Finally, we must always have love because it allows us to achieve our goals. After being blind for only about a year, Marie-Laure’s father tells her to take them home; “‘Now,’ he says, ‘you’re going to take us home. [...] You can do this Marie.’ She cannot. [...] But in the winter of her eighth year, to Marie-Laure’s surprise, she begins to get it right” (Doerr 36, 40). The love that Marie-Laure’s father displays is what drives her every move. At first, she is unable to accomplish her goal of getting home, however every single day, her father forces her to keep pushing, just one more step. Eventually, she succeeds. When we truly love someone, we want to make them proud. Marie-Laure’s father will be proud of her if she can accomplish this
In Marie Lu’s Legend, Day shows his true character when he faces tough obstacles and rigorous tasks throughout the novel. For example, Day’s valor/bravery shows when Day rushes into the hospital to find the cure for his family. This shows that without a care for his own well-being he is looking for what's best for the ones he cares about. This also shows that even though he knew the consequences he still decided to look for the greater good.
Marie Lu’s novel, Legend, is focused on two main characters, Day (Daniel Atlan Wing) and June Iparis. Day is a criminal on the run for stealing from the Republic while June, on the other hand, is an elite student at Drake University at the age of fifteen and the Republic’s most prized prodigy. Day watches his family from afar because they have been led to believe that he is dead, he one day sees that his family has a deadly plague. This leads Day to believe that he has to go steal plague medicine from the hospital. June and her older brother, Metias, are orphans, since Metias is a captain in the government, this always leaves June at home alone or at school acting out. On the night that Day decides to steal the medicine, Metias is on duty and
If one had to fight in the war would one play pretend? Lobel does. Lobel is a minor character in fallen angels. He is Jewish and suspected homosexual. Lobel is a static character. He hardly changes until the end of the book when he has to kill a cong. Lobel joins the army to get away from his father and to try to change his father thoughts. Lobel has an adequate impact in the book. He is put in this book for people to relate to. Lobel is rebuffed, angry and scared. Without him, it would just be another war story.
Then, her father picks her up, wraps her arms around him, and her father bolts toward the emergency exit door and out of the hospital. He and Jeanette get into the car where her mother and brother, Brian, were waiting for them. This anomalous event, and others like it, is what makes this book an excellent read for students. These events show experiences that are rather unusual to many students and exposure to literature that talks about these things can be interesting to read as well as eye-opening for the
In the book, Champion, the author Marie Lu uses symbolism, dialogue and inner thinking. In this book, June works for the government and Day used to be a criminal to survive. The people in the country love Day so the government hires him to give hope to people who have lost it since the war between the Republic and the Colonies isn’t going so well for them. Meanwhile, Day and June start to fall in love with each other, but Day is still grieving for his family that has died because of June.
In conclusion, Marie and Meursault showed many similarities and differences in mannerism, action and emotion. This statement was easily expressed by Meursault’s mind thinking, “It occurs to me that anyway, one more Sunday, was over, Mamam was buried now, that I was going back to work, and that nothing had really
This quote reveals the character trait of determination in Jeanette. It demonstrates how Jeanette is willing to do anything to better her life, a common motif throughout the book. Before this quote, Jeanette discusses how people look down on Ginnie Sue because she is the town whore, which is degrading. At this point in her life, Jeanette is rummaging through trash for food and is barely surviving. The chicken not only represents food, but the ability for Ginnie Sue to provide for her children.
She was like something that was thrown aside after she became useless to someone cruel” (Danticat 93). The beauty of Marie wanting a child, and the realization that the child she has been caring for is dead, creates a shocking mood and it leaves the reader wondering what Marie will do
Marie Lu’s, Legend, is a novel about the country’s prodigy, June, and the most wanted man, Day. June is a teenager that scored a perfect score on her Trail exam, which is used to determine a life in this dystopian society. She is given the perfect life with her brother Metias. Day is a legend to all of the people in the Republic. He faked his death at age ten and went on to become the most agile and dangerous person in the country.
Jeannette displayed an uncanny representation of the Promise of Hard Work in her constant effort used while trying to raise money to fund her own family when her parents refused to. When Jeannette was a little girl, younger than thirteen years old, she brushed off the crazy living styles of her parents and disregarded it as a fun time. The moving from house to house was seen as an adventure, and the laying on the ground at night watching the stars was the alternative version of a classroom education. However, once Jeannette reached her teenage years, she realized that how her parents’ money problem was something of seriousness. Her father stealing their money was causing such financial stress, that Jeannette had to start supporting her family of six. Walls remembers, “I was afraid that Mr. Becker wouldn’t give me the job if he knew I was only thirteen, so I told him I was seventeen. He hired me on the
Then he banishes Cordelia from the kingdom and now that Cordelia is now banished from her home and is now set to be with the King of France, who was visiting Lear’s court is seeking her hand in marriage and he still wants to be with her forever. Also, in the poem King Lear is shown to act like a child sometimes almost childlike, he acts as he is cruel with passionate feelings, he is also kind as well. He wasn’t mature enough and didn’t have the ability to manage his emotions. King Lear occasionally had a violent temper that was out of control and he also had an adverseness to what he didn't want to see.
Marie’s case is a tragic one. Maries love for her husband begins strong; she is madly in love with him, but the labor that he puts into the land changes him into a hard man which she can no longer love. It is the land, the great American dream, that changes Frank and it is the land, which strips Marie of all love for him. When she falls in love with Emil,
Early on when she is newly blind due to the cataracts that formed in her eyes life is very difficult for her. “What is blindness? Where there should be a wall, her hands find nothing. Where there should be nothing, a table leg gouges her shin . . . [Marie’s] only sanctuary is in bed, the hem of the quilt at her chin . . .” (Doerr 27). In his kindness, Monsieur LeBlanc meticulously carves a model city for her to learn how to find her way around safely. Due to this kind act Marie is now able, with her father accompanying her for safety, walk around her neighborhood. Later on when they are forced to flee to Saint-Malo where some of their relatives live, Marie and her father walk the entirety of the journey and again, Marie has to depend on her father’s guidance to help her make the journey safely. “‘Marie, I see a hotel.’ ‘You said the hotels were full.’ ‘. . . Come. It’s not far.’ Again [Monsieur LeBlanc] carries his daughter. One more half mile” (Doerr 110). Even though she can sense something is not going as planned with their trip, she allows her father to carry her and believes that he will bring her to Saint-Malo safely. Marie’s faith in her father, although she is blind, allows them to arrive safely in Saint-Malo where they can stay safely through the duration of the
One of the ways Adeline courage is although everyone around her is telling her she won’t succeed and that she is worthless, she never lets that affect her academically. On page 113, Adeline’s class comes to surprise her with a celebration of her winning the presidency. When Niang hears this she flies into a rage and starts screeching that Adeline doesn’t appreciate what they have provided her and she acts spoiled adding in “‘No matter what you consider yourself to be, you are nothing without your father! Nothing!
A very well known quote tells us that “People do crazy things when they are in love.” This relates to The Crucible, a drama written by Arthur Miller, when John Proctor ends up committing a crime, and Elizabeth goes against her beliefs and lies. Elizabeth Proctor, the loving wife of John Proctor, learns to forgive over the course of the book. John Proctor, the protagonist, commits lechery with the young Abigail Williams. Abigail is a young girl who was working for the Proctor’s.