1. Is there a crime shown? What type of crime (from Module 6) would it be? Why? Conflict crimes are deviances that people generally disagree over. They are still "crimes," but people disagree over the consequences of them. Then, conflict crimes "occur when one group passes a law over there disagreement or disadvantages of another group". There have been many failed proposals regarding its legality. There is the conflict between people accept planting cannabis and other people don’t accept it. Cannabis in California comprises a number of legislative, legal, and cultural events surrounding the use of cannabis. Most of the violence took place for those who buy such heavy drug cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin. So that legalizing marijuana could …show more content…
Therefore, it is necessary to immediately prevent the legalization of marijuana before it becomes too late. Cannabis is not harmful to the human body or the brain if used in moderation. Marijuana does not bring the threat to the general public. In Oakland, California, pharmacy medical marijuana for the nation's largest, Harborside Health Center, distribution of marijuana packed and potted marijuana plants to consumers. Each person should have to buy a prescription for marijuana use and must be members of the cooperative. This pharmacy cannabis, is considered a large marijuana store in the world, every year millions of dollars paid in taxes to local and state and the support of city officials. Pharmacies also paid millions of dollars in attorneys' fees against the efforts of the federal authorities want to close this …show more content…
Residents can buy one ounce (about 28 grams), while those who do not live in this state can buy a quarter ounce. When smoking marijuana in the home, smokers need the consent of the landlord. It is promoting a marijuana law to be considered stimulants "sensitive" like wine, which will be taxed and controlled the sale of marijuana, and age restrictions cannabis buyers. However, more recent polls show that many people are gradually supporting the legalization of marijuana, that is easing restrictions on the use, supply, production and consumption of marijuana. The Obama administration said the anti-drug forces of the United States will not conduct a search for stations allocate medical marijuana. The problem is said to be illegal at the federal level but legal in many states. The bill to legalize marijuana in California proposal to tax $ 50 per 28.35 grams of marijuana. Such taxing marijuana will keep prices high in relation to those black markets and will bring the budget deficit the state is 1.3 billion revenues. The legalization of marijuana will certainly increase the user by the spread of it. Advocates of marijuana legalization say, "not true" and the example of marijuana legal in the
The Tijuana Cartel controls the city of Tijuana on the Baja California/ California border and some of the surrounding areas in the Northwestern part of Mexico. The Port of Entry that has been used to get to and from Mexico and the United States is San Ysidro. It is the busiest border crossing in the world. There have been many drug smugglers that have been arrested and even killed while trying to cross the border. There is even an underground tunnel for drug transporting. The drugs that the Tijuana Cartel is moving are cocaine, marijuana and a large amount of methamphetamine and heroin. Their suppliers are located all over Mexico for all of the drugs that they sell. In my opinion I think if we can get the drug makers and sellers in jail then
Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, has been used by humans throughout history for medical, recreational, as well as spiritual purposes. Its fiber, oil, and seed are also refined into products such as hemp oil, wax, rope, cloth, and paper (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2013, para. 1). With 56% voters overwhelming supported for medical cannabis, California became the first state in the United States to pass Prop 215 in 1996 ensuring the patients and their primary caregivers to “have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purpose” (California Department of Public Health, 2013, Text of Law section, para. 1).
Is marijuana use deviant behavior? Is it a cultural norm? No, I don’t think that marijuana is a deviant behavior. They are not harming anyone by smoking it. No, it’s not a cultural norm.
The legalization of recreational marijuana is an important debate, one that could really cause drastic changes in societies. Marijuana has entered a dark stage in the pathway of legalization, and it is correlating with the prohibition stage that alcohol rested in. The debate can often reach a nasty level between individuals taking sides with the topic. Legalization of marijuana can be very beneficial under regulated circumstances, therefore making all of the negative views less important.
Medical marijuana, like alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs, is significantly taxed, which generates governmental funding. Although the state of Colorado has legalized recreational marijuana as well as for medical purposes, a Time magazine article in September of 2015 reported that the collected taxes for the drug, in the prior fiscal year, more than doubled expectations, fetching more than $70 million for public coffers (Basu, 2015). Additionally, the previously-expended public funds saved by no longer policing the possession and use of marijuana have freed government currency to be used elsewhere. According to the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, the decriminalization of marijuana saved the state between $12 million and $40 million in 2013 (Way, 2013) It is indisputable that the legalization of medical marijuana, coupled with the decriminalization of recreational marijuana, would produce an almost immediate significant economic advantage for public
Marijuana is the most controversial drug banned in many countries for its adverse effects, but a lot of people ignore its medicinal benefits. There are many movements held across the globe to legalize marijuana. These movements are from people who are benefited by marijuana and are reluctant to let go of the drug. These movements made most of the countries to review their governmental policies and use marijuana in a restricted way so to utilize its full capability.
Many people from all around the world believe that marijuana is an addictive drug that has ruined the lives of millions. The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that more than 37,000 annual U.S deaths are the effects of alcohol alone. Alternatively, there is not even a category for the deaths caused by marijuana. Many of us think that marijuana kills brain cells but studies show teens that use marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white blood cells in their brains. Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior while marijuana will only make a person feel more comfortable. “Alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication, violent relationships, whereas cannabis reduces the likelihood of violence during intoxications” (Shuette, 2013). The government does not even track violent acts specifically related to marijuana use. Marijuana and alcohol should be switched where marijuana is legal and alcohol is not because it will benefit people more than alcohol will.
This solution is not only medically sound, but it is also financially beneficial to the American population and federal government. Since 2015, marijuana has become the fastest growing industry in the U.S. (“Office of National” 7). If marijuana becomes legal in all fifty states, the industry will become larger than the organic food market (“Office of National” 6). Therefore, legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes will not only create a thriving agricultural industry, but it will also bring in revenue for the fiscal budget rather than drain it. In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to legally allow medical marijuana for patients with a valid doctor’s recommendation, and the
The legalization of marijuana will lead to a boost to the economy. With the United States being trillions in debt, an increase in tax money would be a big help to lower the national debt. Colorado, one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational and medicinal uses, is showing valuable data of an increase in tax money, “In 2015, Colorado collected more than $135 million in taxes and fees on medicinal and recreational marijuana. Sales totaled over $996 million” (Krishna, Mrinalini). Now, Colorado is joined by seven other states, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada, in the full legalization of marijuana. With these states joining with Colorado, the United States is seeing sales “[grow] by 30%, to 6.1 billion, in 2016 and a projected 20.1 billion in 2021” (Krishna, Mrinalini). With that in mind, these sales are shared among only eight states, add another forty-two states and the rates could surpass the trillions. Considering the evidence, the act of not legalizing marijuana would be foolish.
Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement. It is popular even though it is illegal in the United States; I explain in this paper why we should take advantage of its popularity and help our struggling economy. How we can use the way Amsterdam regulates its recreational marijuana, and implement it in the United States. Violence will drop dramatically especially in the towns close to the Mexican border. These are more than enough reasons as to why we should legalize marijuana, there is nothing but benefits.
Many states have legalized cannabis, for example, Colorado has already seen many positive results. The economy has been in an upwards advantage with raising over ten million taxes from the retail sale of cannabis within the first four months. They will use the first forty million of the tax collection to better the public schools in the area as well as improving the youth campaigns about substance abuse. Marijuana had not only raised more money for the state is has also saved millions of dollar in a single year.
Marijuana or Cannabis is a hallucinogenic drug that contains a very high amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It can be used for both medical and recreational reasons, but it is currently illegal in most states in this country. This drug has been illegal for the majority of this country's history, and just recently several states like Washington, California, and New York have passed laws so that people with medical issues are able to consume this drug for their own medical needs
The decriminalization of marijuana has been a great issue and has contributed to the arrests of thousands. In Jon Gettman’s article, “Arrests, Usage, and Related Data,” he reports on the reasons for arrests in California. Gettman asserts that, “Marijuana arrests in California have increased from 61,375 in 2003, to 74,024 in 2007.” This suggests that law enforcement has focused on this issue immensely, and it has proven to affect many lives. It goes to show that the arrests for marijuana possession are only increasing as the years go by as well. Gettman also claims that, “Marijuana possession arrests accounted for 80% of all marijuana arrests in California during 2007”(Gettman).This suggests that so many people have a marijuana offense on their record for simply having it, and not being caught using it. If marijuana is legalized, as much as 80% of these users would no longer face arrests as possessing marijuana would no longer be a crime. In his article, “California Arrested Nearly Half a Million People for Pot over the past Decade,” Christopher Ingraham also stresses that although an effort to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana in 2011 was made, thousands are still getting arrested for it. Many are getting arrested for misdemeanors and felonies. The perfect records of many are being destroyed
Over the past 30 years, there have been many controversial debates in regards to the marijuana craze. The façade that users want and need differs from what the criminal justice system views it as. Several states within the United States of America have proposed bills, which seek to decriminalize marijuana. In 1973, 12 states including Colorado, California, and Oregon, have worked on altering and succeeded in reducing the crime of possession laws. Possession of a small amount of marijuana can mean up to six or more months served in jail as well as fines of a thousand dollars or more depending on past criminal records. Arresting people with possession of marijuana is very time consuming for police and law enforcement, and can deter them from
According to Module 6 – Slide 6, conflict crimes "occur when one group passes a law over which there is disagreement or that disadvantages another group". Moreover, conflict crimes are deviances that people generally disagree over. They are still "crimes," but people disagree over the consequences of them. There have been many failed proposals regarding its legality. There is the conflict between people accept planting cannabis and other people don’t accept it. In 1996, California voters approved the bill 215 and became the first place to legalize and regulate the use of marijuana for medical purposes. In