
Marijuana Crime Research Paper

Decent Essays

1. Is there a crime shown? What type of crime (from Module 6) would it be? Why? Conflict crimes are deviances that people generally disagree over. They are still "crimes," but people disagree over the consequences of them. Then, conflict crimes "occur when one group passes a law over there disagreement or disadvantages of another group". There have been many failed proposals regarding its legality. There is the conflict between people accept planting cannabis and other people don’t accept it. Cannabis in California comprises a number of legislative, legal, and cultural events surrounding the use of cannabis. Most of the violence took place for those who buy such heavy drug cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin. So that legalizing marijuana could …show more content…

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately prevent the legalization of marijuana before it becomes too late. Cannabis is not harmful to the human body or the brain if used in moderation. Marijuana does not bring the threat to the general public. In Oakland, California, pharmacy medical marijuana for the nation's largest, Harborside Health Center, distribution of marijuana packed and potted marijuana plants to consumers. Each person should have to buy a prescription for marijuana use and must be members of the cooperative. This pharmacy cannabis, is considered a large marijuana store in the world, every year millions of dollars paid in taxes to local and state and the support of city officials. Pharmacies also paid millions of dollars in attorneys' fees against the efforts of the federal authorities want to close this …show more content…

Residents can buy one ounce (about 28 grams), while those who do not live in this state can buy a quarter ounce. When smoking marijuana in the home, smokers need the consent of the landlord. It is promoting a marijuana law to be considered stimulants "sensitive" like wine, which will be taxed and controlled the sale of marijuana, and age restrictions cannabis buyers. However, more recent polls show that many people are gradually supporting the legalization of marijuana, that is easing restrictions on the use, supply, production and consumption of marijuana. The Obama administration said the anti-drug forces of the United States will not conduct a search for stations allocate medical marijuana. The problem is said to be illegal at the federal level but legal in many states. The bill to legalize marijuana in California proposal to tax $ 50 per 28.35 grams of marijuana. Such taxing marijuana will keep prices high in relation to those black markets and will bring the budget deficit the state is 1.3 billion revenues. The legalization of marijuana will certainly increase the user by the spread of it. Advocates of marijuana legalization say, "not true" and the example of marijuana legal in the

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