
Marina's Abuse In The Play Seven

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In the play Seven, the actors told the stories of their characters and opened our eyes on how much abuse all these seven women went through. One by one took turns explaining their stories, not all at once, but in a way to where they all intersect with one another in which I believe made the play even stronger. To begin with all of their stories went through every face of fear, humiliation, and torture. Yet, the women showed courage and fought back for what they believed was right. The first thing that I found very interesting was the walking around before the play even started. I wondered on what it meant for quiet a time. One thing that came in mind is on how every person meant a different race and different experience yet they were able …show more content…

Marina was a thirty-three year old who created the violence hotline for all women to call if they needed someone to talk to since “ all the women could do is trust.” (Cizmar 47) Her counseling took a lot of her time which took time from her husband. A great husband who stood by her knowing she was doing a good thing. As soon as they were able to go to a vacation together Marina’s husband had a heart attack and that’s right when my tears started running down my cheeks like crazy. Just by the fact of knowing her husband might of not been happy with his life and as soon as it could've been, it was taken away from him real quick, made me cry. I believe it would be hard to lose a husband and then continue answering the phone to more abusive stories. I personally wouldn’t be able to take on so much …show more content…

I know it must of been really hard for her to chose between family or education, especially knowing it’s something that would disappoint her father. I too have a fear of disappointing my father so that’s where I connected with Inez for a while. The one specific scene I remember from her story is when she’s afraid to go back home and face her father because she knew he would reject her from undermining his rules. But it made me so happy when I saw the father hug her and approve of what she had done. It’s always a warm feeling of knowing you’ve made your father proud and that’s something I’ve really looked forward too in my

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