
Marion High School: Helpful Or Successful?

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You mentioned that schools cultivate anti-intellectual sentiment. I agree with this, but I don’t think it should occur. Society teaches us that intellect isn’t important anymore. The only things televised are things that entertain people like sports, shows, music, etc. Although it is okay for those things to be there, it really presses on being famous. A lot of kids just want to be famous and they want to be able to get past school and entertain others. This focus is transferred to the atmosphere of the education system. Intellect is not focused on as much as sports per say. We are always told to “support our sports teams” and “go to the big game” but notice how there isn’t really any press on studies. They don’t announce anything that encourages …show more content…

If you look at Marion High School we have a huge football rally every year. All we have is a 20 minute awards ceremony for academics. You can see clearly which is valued more now a days. I feel as if we should have a pep rally every year to help promote the value of academics. Although, There is a part that I don’t agree with in this. Smart kids in school aren’t seen as hated but as an opportunity. Smart kids are seen as someone to look off of for answers which would go back to the problem of depleting …show more content…

Books kind of separate good from evil most of the time. They also tell everyone that each person is different with different qualities. That would go against the idea that everyone is equal. Each book plays out a person in which can inspire a lifestyle, to an extreme. Characters send a message to the readers that says be yourself. That would cause everyone to be different; this delays a utopia.

A book can be a loaded gun. Books make you think about views on different subject and they can spark ideas. That is why books are amazing. Books inspire people to view things a certain way or feel a certain way. This is what sparks controversy because there are many other types of books outside of fiction. There are books that go against each other which causes disruption in the world. Without these books there is no problem; having no problem is a problem. People should be allowed to think certain ways and have a point of

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