You mentioned that schools cultivate anti-intellectual sentiment. I agree with this, but I don’t think it should occur. Society teaches us that intellect isn’t important anymore. The only things televised are things that entertain people like sports, shows, music, etc. Although it is okay for those things to be there, it really presses on being famous. A lot of kids just want to be famous and they want to be able to get past school and entertain others. This focus is transferred to the atmosphere of the education system. Intellect is not focused on as much as sports per say. We are always told to “support our sports teams” and “go to the big game” but notice how there isn’t really any press on studies. They don’t announce anything that encourages …show more content…
If you look at Marion High School we have a huge football rally every year. All we have is a 20 minute awards ceremony for academics. You can see clearly which is valued more now a days. I feel as if we should have a pep rally every year to help promote the value of academics. Although, There is a part that I don’t agree with in this. Smart kids in school aren’t seen as hated but as an opportunity. Smart kids are seen as someone to look off of for answers which would go back to the problem of depleting …show more content…
Books kind of separate good from evil most of the time. They also tell everyone that each person is different with different qualities. That would go against the idea that everyone is equal. Each book plays out a person in which can inspire a lifestyle, to an extreme. Characters send a message to the readers that says be yourself. That would cause everyone to be different; this delays a utopia.
A book can be a loaded gun. Books make you think about views on different subject and they can spark ideas. That is why books are amazing. Books inspire people to view things a certain way or feel a certain way. This is what sparks controversy because there are many other types of books outside of fiction. There are books that go against each other which causes disruption in the world. Without these books there is no problem; having no problem is a problem. People should be allowed to think certain ways and have a point of
Banning books that some people consider inappropriate could prevent the knowledge of past history, as well as intelligence and different aspects of opinions. For all these reasons, I believe that books should not be banned! Banning books is similar banning the freedom of expression. Not only can banning books prevent this, but it also prevents people from being able to learn from real issues that authors want to share with their readers.
Typically, when a person is introduced to issues that may seem harsh or radical, they typically would avoid that specific topic as a reaction due to the controversy and confusion. This is where the banned books excel where it introduces the same topic in a medium that many audience members are familiar with, which will slowly desensitize the audience, allowing them to further understand these topics with no harm. Moreover, "books of controversy symbolize vaccines; it creates an immunity among the readers when it comes to the perception of such issues." (Bergholtz) An example that highlights this point is Lancelot, a books that some scholar's are trying to ban. Throughout Lancelot, the reader comes across many images where if it is taken upon a Christian interpretation, it is seen as inappropriate. However, if instead the audience members had taken an unbiased perspective, they are abled to see the true intent of the book. As a result of the book containing the trend of images that are often not pro-Christian, it essentially teaches the reader how to comprehend these issues while alerting the reader that there are a variety of other beliefs found in the world. Furthermore, it desensitizes reader when it comes to books that cannot be necessarily interpreted in a Christian manner and instead encourages the reader the be mentally proactive and understand the interpretations of others. Not only does this expand the audience's mindset, but it also makes the Christian audience more tolerable when it comes to religious issues, ultimately, proving that books of controversy do, in fact, act as a vaccine that provides immunization to the reader from controversial. Thus accordingly, books of controversy should not be banned due to their
The world without books is like pulling the feathers off of a bird, expecting it to fly. In Ray Bradbury’s novel "Fahrenheit 451" and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr's letter "You Have Insulted Me" they both discuss how one sided society has become, limiting the publics freedom to express their own thoughts. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. states, in his letter "you are American you must allow all ideas to circulate freely in your community, not clearly on your own." When things are kept one sided it causes people or "students" in Vonnegut's case to be completely oblivious to the other side of things. Limiting the ability to create ones own beliefs, separate from others views.
Some problems do arise when incorporating controversial books into the school system. The main and biggest problem is the complaints of parents. Sometimes parents see the books their kids are reading, a preconceived negative perception, then immediately decide they do not want their kid “exposed” to such material. Parents do have every right to say and decide that. But the feelings of a few parents should not dictate the masses of students. If parents were educated beforehand about the material their children would be covering, it might alleviate some
The argumentative essay “Anti-Intellectualism: Why we hate the smart kids” by Grant Penrod is marketed towards intellectuals as well as those in the realm of education. The author also emphasized that society often trivializes the work of academics. He used the example of how in a typical high school when the football team wins almost the entire student body knows about it and when the more intellectual teams on campus win their events and competitions it's unknown to the majority of the student body.
What is the first thing people think of when they hear the “smart” kid talks about his accomplishments? Those smart kids get called a nerd and automatically have to deal negative things all because society itself thinks it is okay to do so. In “Anti-Intellectualism: Why We Hate Smart Kids”, Grant Penrod explains why anti-intellectualism exist. People will remember what the anti-intellectuals do but not so much the intellectuals. Society envy those who are smarter than them and only look at any other accomplishment besides education accomplishments. Anti- Intellectuals tend to bash others around them for their success academically. That is how society works in every generation. Penrod informs everyone of an example of how nerds can be treated differently especially in the school system. More recognition goes to sports teams instead of debates teams, which is factual. Penrod’s lack of credible information and the tone that has been presented has brought a lot of thoughts that need to be analyzed more closely on why he presented this article this way.
I think that ‘andrew motion’ that books are like a capsule books hold the answers to life the answer to math problems, chemistry problems some people base their whole teachings on books. Books are going to help people in the future that have problems like where things are or it will help them know what to do in politics.
Books serve a good purpose. “If you really want people not to read a certain book, banning will do the opposite” said Top 10 Reasons Banning Books is a Bad Idea. There are people who believe that books should be banned. But there is another side saying that banning books is wrong. We have something called a First Amendment. No person or group should decide what should or should not be read. These books have a feature called “diverse content” There is no need to argue about this topic.
Anyone should be able to pick up a book on a topic they are curious about; this will help them learn and expand their mind! When banning books, people feel like they are being cut off from learning. Diversity and knowledge are very important, especially for a growing mind. When people push for books to be censored on topics like culture, history, racism, and all sorts of other important things to know, what are they really saying? In the end, they are just being judgmental and pushing for people to be clueless of the past. Learning from the past is a very important fundamental of every single person. Learning what bad things have happened and why will push people to be open minded and think more about their
The Banning of books has affected the world greatly. People have been banning books since they first started being written and are still getting banned today. Under the United States Constitution, people have freedom of speech and of the press. People argue that the government is violating citizens’ rights by banning books. It has been going on basically forever because governments feel the need to ban some things that are found in books (Zorea). The reasons for banning books are usually in one of four categories. These include religious, political, social, and sexual reasons (Dell 11). Books were censored greatly during World War I, World War II, and the Great Depression. The United States banned any criticism or opposition to the war or government. Governments and other organizations feared some books might endanger the country or government (Hanyok). “During a war, battle plans, troop movement schedules, weapons data, and other information could help the enemy.” Because of this, militaries often censor books and ban any that might help the enemy (Rupp). Many books that are popular with readers have been banned multiple
Banning books can be a dangerous power because banning restricts authors. Today, people are praised for individuality and uniqueness, and banning books contradicts that. Many authors write about things that have happened in their lives or they express their way of living and banning a book that doesn’t fit in with what societies “way-of-life” is, is wrong. Society may believe in one thing but not all people do. I also believe that banning books is a form of bullying.
Society and people ban books to try and control what people have them to learn and see. Scout, from To Kill a Mockingbird, could have improved her behavior in public if she acquired information from books like Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The New York Times recalled, “a study published in the journal Science has revealed that after reading excerpts from literary fiction (like Anton Chekhov and Lydia Davis), subjects performed better on tests measuring empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence”(Schwiegershausen). In Persepolis, Satrapi educated herself on other countries to figure out why no other countries had specific clothes restrictions. Society would not be how it is today if it wasn’t for people’s social skills.
Books open your perspective about life, they give you different perspectives and points of view. They carry knowledge and it
Books are resources which allow readers to gain important information about history and in order to avoid the mistakes made in the past, which could lead to a brighter future.
Some people do not realize that they affect the education of their children by banning certain books. The banning of books is banning the author's right to free speech which can hinder the education of Americans. In schools teachers have to worry about what readings they present to their students because they could have any parent coming after them for exposing their children to “heinous” or “bad” things when all it truly is, is literature used to broaden