As we prepare to enter the year of 2016, our nation faces many challenges. From issues of terrorism to environmental degradation, our country is in deep trouble. As we approach the 2016 election season, I decided it would be a good idea to scope out the candidates. From what I have read, Hilary Clinton is gaining a lot of support from the women of our nation. Women everywhere are claiming that our country is ready for a female president; and I couldn’t agree more. Our country could benefit from a strong female leader. Which is why I will be giving my vote to Marissa Elizardo. Marissa is a great candidate for the Presidency because she is an experienced leader who according to her former field hockey coach “gets shit done.” Marissa’s leadership …show more content…
In fact, she served as her elementary school’s student council treasurer. She did such a good job with the student council’s finances that they had enough money left over at the end of the year to throw a pizza party. If Marissa can turn around her elementary school’s student councils finances, she can surely turn around this country and bring us out of our trillions of dollars of debt. Another quality that would make Marissa a successful president is her work rate. In the thirty-six hours leading up to finals week, Marissa wrote a twelve page research paper, two essays for her writing 106 class and completed her e-portfolio. If that doesn’t scream dedication and work rate, I don’t know what does. With this dedication and desire to succeed Marissa could formulate the policies our country needs to fight the terrorists and environment killers. Another admirable quality of Marissa’s is her extreme courage. When she was three years old she volunteered to go first on the balance beam in her gymnastics class. When the rest of her peers cowered in fear, Marissa rose to occasion and gracefully walked across the beam suspended two inches off the ground. Inspired by Marissa’s courage the rest of the gymnastics class crossed the beam. It was Marissa’s courage that allowed her to lead her fellow gymnasts to the other side of the
She fought to ensure homeland security to keep our country safe and she advocates for bipartisan immigration reform that treats immigrants equally and focus on deporting those who threaten national security and make borders more secure. Her position in the House Appropriations committee has served millions of dollars to create jobs on much needed locations and transportation projects that made organizations in her district. She has been on the fight to improve the affordability of health services which led to protect the health of mothers and babies; she accomplished the local health needs that includes the infant and child care, HIV testing, Substance abuse, diabetes treatment, dental etc. she even obtain federal dollars for local education such as afterschool care, early education and magnet
We might have numerous questions with us for supporting Hilary Clinton and we might be curious to know about why we should stand with Hilary for this upcoming presidential election? Hilary will make a history in America for being the first President of United State. Though America is one of the most powerful country in the world none of the woman has taken the position of president yet. So, Hilary will be the first woman president of America, we should be proud of having her as the first Madam President of United State of America soon. She should be a president not only because she is a woman but her experience of working as the first lady, secretary of the state, senator and her working background and knowledge what she has possessed deserves the right to be the
The first reason that Hilary Clinton should win the election is her position on Jobs/wages. She believes that the minimum wage should be increased to 12.50 and states are encouraged to raise it to 15.00. The reason for this is with the current minimum wage people are working hard everyday but barley can survive. If it was raised it would bring them over the poverty line which is enough to survive on. Second she will create more jobs by researching into technology. This will give the opportunity for people who specialize in those degrees get work, helping them live the way they want to!
Madeleine later became Deputy Secretary of Education in Washington D.C. She focused on creating new offices for education technology, developed legislation for direct student loans and led the charge to reinvent government (page 9). In the beginning of her book she spoke about helping transform education in D.C. Madeleine saw in the newspaper one day that there was a gunman running through the hallways of an elementary school to escape the police After viewing this article, she called the principal of the elementary school and arranged a visit to show the school that the Department of Education cared about the incident. Madeleine wanted to still use her governor skills and thinking tactics in her work as a secretary. She stated in the
With the presidential election coming to a close on this Tuesday, November 8th, the research that was gathered in class, allowed a new insight into which candidate was best suited for the job. Each candidate in this election, both have very different view points on each important topic going on in our country today, allowing voters to see the complete complexity of this election. For example, topics including gun control, the pay gap situation and abortion allowed myself, as a voter, to gain knowledge about each candidates position on the topic and which candidate I believed was my ideal one for presidency. In this election, I believe Hilary Clinton is the best candidate for presidency.
Former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is known throughout the world for the astounding things she has accomplished, not only in the White House, but out. She is full of passion for whatever she sets as her goal. Her confidence and constant motivational talks set a crowd on fire and her vision for the future leaves most encouraged for they know that she’s on their side. She is constantly aware of what others think of her and works her hardest to make the world a better place and gain the trust of the people. Hillary Rodham Clinton was chosen by her husband to be the leader of the Health Care Reform and supervised research, investigatory trips, financial reports, numerous committees composed of medical and insurance professionals, lawmakers and
There are many exemplary applicants this year and it would be beneficial to research each and every one of them. Jill Stein is a very strong leader and an even more worthy candidate to fill the role of the president of the United States. Some of her key issues are ways to improve the environment, healthcare, education, violence, discrimination, and more. Stein is a strong, smart, and determined candidate who can put these issues and policies into effect if she’s voted into the oval office. Those who have done their research on the candidates will have a chance to vote for Jill Stein in the 2016 United States Presidential election.
Obama is intelligent and at one time, earned a higher wage than her husband. Michelle Obama’s mother taught her to read by age four and stressed the importance of education to Michelle and her older brother. She was a gifted student and was not ashamed to take advanced classes. She says “I never cut class. I loved getting A’s, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart was cooler than anything in the world.” Michelle graduated high school as the salutatorian. She attended Princeton University and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Sociology and a minor in African-American studies. She went on to study law at Harvard and once graduated, she moved to a job as an associate. Working as an associate in Chicago, she met Barack Obama. Mrs. Obama then pursued a job in public service working for the University of Chicago. She continued to work until shortly after her husband’s inauguration. Although it could have been easy to get caught up in the presidential election, Mrs. Obama’s first priority has always been her two daughters, Sasha and
Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1947 October 26. Hillary attended Eugene Field Elementary School, Ralph Waldo Emerson Middle School, and Wellesley College. At Wellesley College Hillary participated are became a member of the National Honor Society. When she attended Yale Law School in 1969-1973, she became the Senior Class president. Not only that, but she also participated in the Yale Review of Law and Social Action where she graduated with honors. Hillary was a very active member in her years at Yale, her experience of the study in children’s development and medicine was from when she volunteered at the Yale Child Study Center, where she received one post-graduate year. Hillary worked various jobs, one of the many was when she would babysit children of migrant Mexicans who would travel for their work. When she tried applying to NASA they did not accept her because she was a girl and girls were prevented from attending programs that had any involvement with astronauts. The reason why Hillary became so interested in public service was due to the speech in Chicago by Martin Luther King, his speech inspired her to focus of public service and help people. Hillary was very active during her college years, she was involved in many things that involved public service. She worked every summer as a college student, one of her jobs was in a canning factory in Alaska in 1969. Not only did Hillary have to work and attend school the same time, she understands the
Born in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., she attended Wellesley College, then earning a J.D. (Juris Doctor) from Yale Law School in 1973. This hardworking presidential candidate is a woman who’s been fighting for children and families for over forty years. Someone who has provided her best works in reaching over the limits of a woman and providing millions of children with health care. This person is Hillary Clinton, and these are the only some of the biggest accomplishments she has made during her lifetime, there can and will be more if she gets voted as President of the United States of 2016-2020. She has been through many experiences in government, such as being an American lawyer and politician, U.S.
The qualities that have made Michelle Obama unique are her strong personality, compassion, and her serenity. Michelle is not like many others. Her achievements go beyond just being the president’s wife. She works for the social issues that require her concern. The first lady of America doesn’t shy away from raising her voice for a cause. Even though Michelle is at the top of the world she doesn’t let the success and popularity get to her head. She thinks before speaking and maintains her composure at all
Michelle Obama has been honest and dedicated in many areas during her husband's presidency. In particular, she provided personal support. An example is her dedication to solving childhood obesity. The Let’s Move campaign’s goal was to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies, and mobilizes public and private sector resources. Michelle helped people work effectively through this campaign. She also supported military families which has been part of what makes her a great leader. She called herself “Mom-in-chief,” and applied herself to issues ranging from children’s education to the needs of military families. This included launching the Let Girls Learn initiative to fund girls’
The amount of knowledge and powerful words that can actually get to one’s head is amazing. Michelle Obama was the First Lady for 8 years and stood by former President Barack Obamas side. She is a great example of what today’s kids should look up to. A woman with dedication to her word. A woman with dedication to what she believes. It is pretty easy to say that she has become an impressive public speaker who can deliver a powerful speech to her supporters. In her speech at the DNC in 2016, Michelle Obama did not fill her supporter’s heads with politics and facts, but a great use of personal experience, feelings and connections. Her love for this country and her love for her family is one thing that brought her audience together. In fact, if it wasn’t the great use of ethos, pathos and logos Michelle Obamas speech would have probably have been like any other.
In November of 2016, Americans will have a unique opportunity to vote for a woman for President for the first time. Many will not, for reasons related to her policies, her party, or even her past. But others will not solely because of her gender. In my opinion, gender, like race or sexuality, is irrelevant as a qualification for running for office. Others will disagree, and disagree rather forcefully. There will come a time when someone will tell me not to vote for this woman. When that time comes, will I be able to make my voice heard? Will I have the courage of my convictions?
The amount of knowledge and powerful words that can actually get to one’s head is amazing. Michelle Obama was the First Lady for 8 years and stood by former President Barack Obamas side. She is a great example of what today’s kids should look up to. A woman with dedication to her word. A woman with dedication to what she believes. It is pretty easy to say that she has become an impressive public speaker who can deliver a powerful speech to her supporters. In her speech at the DNC in 2016, Michelle Obama did not fill her supporter’s heads with politics and facts, but a great use of personal experience, feelings and connections. Her love for this country and her love for her family is one thing that brought her audience together. In fact, if it wasn’t the great use of ethos, pathos and logos Michelle Obamas speech would have probably just been like any other political speech.