
Marissa Elizardo Qualities

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As we prepare to enter the year of 2016, our nation faces many challenges. From issues of terrorism to environmental degradation, our country is in deep trouble. As we approach the 2016 election season, I decided it would be a good idea to scope out the candidates. From what I have read, Hilary Clinton is gaining a lot of support from the women of our nation. Women everywhere are claiming that our country is ready for a female president; and I couldn’t agree more. Our country could benefit from a strong female leader. Which is why I will be giving my vote to Marissa Elizardo. Marissa is a great candidate for the Presidency because she is an experienced leader who according to her former field hockey coach “gets shit done.” Marissa’s leadership …show more content…

In fact, she served as her elementary school’s student council treasurer. She did such a good job with the student council’s finances that they had enough money left over at the end of the year to throw a pizza party. If Marissa can turn around her elementary school’s student councils finances, she can surely turn around this country and bring us out of our trillions of dollars of debt. Another quality that would make Marissa a successful president is her work rate. In the thirty-six hours leading up to finals week, Marissa wrote a twelve page research paper, two essays for her writing 106 class and completed her e-portfolio. If that doesn’t scream dedication and work rate, I don’t know what does. With this dedication and desire to succeed Marissa could formulate the policies our country needs to fight the terrorists and environment killers. Another admirable quality of Marissa’s is her extreme courage. When she was three years old she volunteered to go first on the balance beam in her gymnastics class. When the rest of her peers cowered in fear, Marissa rose to occasion and gracefully walked across the beam suspended two inches off the ground. Inspired by Marissa’s courage the rest of the gymnastics class crossed the beam. It was Marissa’s courage that allowed her to lead her fellow gymnasts to the other side of the

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