
Mark Engler Analysis

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Mark Engler “Why is college so damned expensive?” New Internationalist, 5 July 2017. Available form: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 17, 2017
Mark Engler is an author and journalist who leave in Philadelphia. He is a member of the editorial board at Dissent. He also a contributing editor at a monthly Magazine called Yes! Magazine columnist for the Oxford. The author is also at and his first book was, How to Rue the World: The Coming Battle Over. Mark’s articles is known in more than 15 languages. Mark’ hometown is des Moies, Iowa, also graduated 1998 at Harvard University, where he studied modern West, with a focus on the human right s theory and liberation theology. Arias Foundation for Peace …show more content…

He is afraid by the time his daughter get to college will be high. If the cost of tuition, housing and fees at a four year college can grow to $88, 00 a year, how to her 11 year old daughter without loan. He also said, between 1980 to 2010 the cost of college has grew faster than Consumer Price Index. Also with the debt averaging $29,000, graduates face a long term indenture to the bank. However, he said there are some reason why the cost of US education: expanding campuses, construction of new facilities and labs. He also talked about why the US has expend a lot in war such the Iraq and Afghanistan which that money could pay about treasury class to make it free for …show more content…

Paul said “45 years ago 78 percent of college and university professors were fulltime, today half of postsecondary faculty members are lower-paid part-time employees, meaning that the average salaries of the people who do the teaching in American higher education are actually quite a bit lower than they were in 1970”.
What cannot be defended is the claim that tuition has risen because publicfunding for higher education has been cut.not increased since the tail end of the baby boom, the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. In this article the author mention some opportunity cost, total cost of ownership, sensitivity analysis, viewpoint, activity-based costing, efficiency, technicalefficiency, allocative efficiency, price and transaction costs.

Economic analysis in medical education total cost of ownership is a concept that enables buyers of products or services to find out the total cost of owning or running that product or service is a scenario the author mentioned in the

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