
Mark Henricks Interview Essay

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Interviews In the article, “3 Interview Questions That Could Cost Your Company $1 Million,” Mark Henricks presents three questions employers must avoid asking applicants during the interview process. The first interview question is, “I see you speak Spanish. Where did you study it?” (Henricks). This question may reveal the applicant’s racial background. The second interview question asks the candidate about the amount of sick days they took last year (Henricks). Hence, this question discloses the interviewee’s health information. The third interview question is about how long the applicant has lived here (Henricks). Moreover, Henricks states that companies already have the applicant’s address on their application. Therefore, this question is an attempt to discover the candidate’s residency (Henricks). Furthermore, although Henricks only listed three interview questions, these are not the only questions employers must avoid using to diminish the possibility of lawsuits. Additionally, this article can be connected with affirmative action. Affirmative action was enacted to achieve “equality of opportunity within an organization” (Kinicki 291). This policy is prevalent in organizations. In regards to the workplace, affirmative action is applied in the recruiting and selection process when the manager or employee reviews an applicant’s …show more content…

Unstructured questions are bias and vary depending upon the applicant being interviewed and the interviewer. Consequently, this increases the likelihood of an applicant, who is a minority, to be discriminated against by an organization. Affirmative action can be applied to three interview questions mentioned in Mark Henricks’ article. The company can use a structured interview and avoid interview questions similar to the ones listed by Henricks. Moreover, this will decrease the chances of lawsuits towards the company for violating affirmative

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