
Mark Strand's Use Of Praise In Poetry

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In the poem “From a Litany” by Mark Strand, the world praise is used quite a bit. On the other hand in Jane Kenyon’s “Let Evening Come”, the word ‘praise’ is never used but is instead inferred in the poem. The word ‘praise’ can actually mean a variety of different things depending on the context; here it is used to mean admiration. The two poems overlap in the sense that they have a feeling of letting go or a mellowing-out quality that gives the reader a sense of sadness from the author. Both poems depict a scene of morning to night, or beginning of life to death; thought they have collected after many long years on earth. Although the similarities are striking in both poems, there are both diverse in there own way. Both poem expressed admirations for the small things in life. They both mention the sun, sky, and the ground specifically in their texts. For example in Strand poem he says, “… I praise the sky… I praise the wind, the rising generations of air… I praise the clocks…” All of these things come into play in our daily lives so why do they get so much attention from Strand? …show more content…

Such examples include, “Let the light of late afternoon shine through chinks in the barn, …Let the cricket take up chafing as a woman takes up her needles and her yarn… Let dew collect on… Let the stars appear… Let the fox go back…” She takes time to consider almost every thing and creature living on this farm. Deep admiration of ‘farm life’ is shown through the thought put into describing each

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