
Market Study

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1.0 Introduction 2.1 Definition of Market Study Market study is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information about the market, about the products or services offered for sale on the market, and about the past, present and potential customers for your products or services, research into the characteristics, spending habits, location and target market needs of business, industry as a whole, and competitors. Based on,market study must have accurate and thorough planning is the foundation of all successful business venture because it provides information about existing and potential customers, the competition and the industry in general. It allows business owners to determine the feasibility of …show more content…

Bhd Management Office, 2nd Floor, Ole Ole Shopping Centre No. 7, Jalan Pinang A 18 / A, Section 18 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: (603) 5541 6118 / 016-6617001 Fax: (603) 5549 2818 E-mail: 3.0 Site Background This study focus on development consist from land for commercial study in Shah Alam called as Ole-Ole shopping centre. Ole Ole was officially opened on 3rd November 2007.Ole-Ole is located beside the busy Persiaran Jubli Perak in Section 18 township, and adjacent to the first Giant Hypermarket in Shah Alam. It is surrounded by a fully occupied commercial centre of Section 18. Ole Ole is a 3-storey shopping with a total nett retail area of 90,000 sq.ft. It is supported by about 160 car parking bays, all located at the perimeter of the retail building. Valet parking service is also available at the perimeter parking. There are also ample car park space at the existing town centre car park, just a few steps away. The 3-storey shopping complex adopts a community retail centre concept. Its trade mix and tenant mix complements existing Section 18 commercial centre. The retailing elements of a community retail centre shall be to provide the day-to-day necessities of life as well as a good selection of competitive goods. The community retail centre shall cater to the needs and wants of the immediate surrounding residential and office population. The main trade area of this community retail centre is population within 10-15

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