Implement and monitor marketing activities
Assessment Task 2: Project – Plan promotional activities
Summarized marketing plan for DABC company:
DABC is one of the biggest clothes manufacturing located in Melbourne, Australia. The first DABC clothes store was established in 1990 in Collingwood under the name AB Clothes with only 4 staffs. After almost 30 years operating, DABC has become one of the fastest growing Australian brands with now over 80 stores throughout Australia and 3 flagship stores located in 3 Melbourne largest shopping centres. DABC has provided the outfit solutions and is famous with its sharp tailoring, top quality, high competitive model and shiny accessories. It is one of the most searched fashion stores for metropolitan
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A brief overview of your company’s Marketing Plan, including marketing objectives and performance targets to staff.
DABC company’s marketing objectives:
- To be the leader in fashion industry.
- Focus on how to build a brand loyalty through the service offering and by a heavy promotion through local communication media and attract new customers.
- To get sales maximization, through our promotions and efficient operation, to increase revenue and share market in return.
- To expand the business all over Australia and New Zealand in future.
Performance targets to staff:
In general, DABC staff need to produce their work and perform their daily duties accurately and thoroughly without reminder. They are expected to work in relation to neatness, clarity, professionally and presentation in which they not only need to listen carefully to clients but also with co-workers and managers with effective communicational skills. Moreover, DABC employees are expected to use judgment in making decision as it is a part of business operating procedures. This includes handling customer enquiry and feedback or processing returned and exchanged products. Staff must also show their respect in interactions with customers both over the phone and in person. For example, greet customers pleasantly, provide accurate product information and listen carefully to identify customers’
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Pricy clothing accessories including hats, scarves, necklaces, socks, belts, etc also need to come with information tags about the source of the products
Price Small gift items and clothing accessories will be priced under $30 and displayed near the check-out area of the store. Most styles of clothes in the store are priced similarly to our competitors. Some items have a range in price. For example, skirts are marked from $40 to $140 due to the differences in cost of manufactured. Items that are hand-crafted by a famous designer will be priced 100% to 130% higher.
Promotion Company can advertise through mass media, brochure, Teenager fashion magazine, TV, local radio and online media such as company website, Facebook and Ebay. Company can also launch a Referral program that encourages DABC loyalty customers to bring friends or family members with them on shopping. When a member brings at least 3 guests to DABC store, both the member and the guests receive 10% off listed
DJS was the first department store in Australia and its black-on-white hounds tooth was judged one of the Australia’s top ten favourite trademarks in 20061. DJS maintains a wide variety of products and
Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Good customer service is
PetSmart is one of the largest specialty pet retailers of service and solutions for the lifetime of pets. More than 1008 stores are open in the United States and Canada that provide pet foods and supplies that are priced reasonably. PetSmart provides all types of services for pets including pet training, pet grooming, pet boarding and adoption services. In addition to providing impressive value PetSmart has the broadest, deepest product range in the industry, including thousands of products exclusive only to PetSmart. Every year PetSmart takes care of the grooming for hundreds of thousands of pets in what PetSmart calls its PetSmart Salons. These animals are groomed and pampered by stylist who have
The job objective is to promptly respond to all customer inquiries, and to perform duties with tact and professionalism, manage all aspects of contract review, order processing, manage customer accounts, generate sales, participate
DABC is one of the biggest clothes manufacturing located in Melbourne, Australia. The first DABC clothes store was established in 1990 in Collingwood under the name AB Clothes with only 4 staffs. After almost 30 years operating, DABC has become one of the fastest growing Australian brands with now over 80 stores throughout Australia and 3 flagship stores located in 3 Melbourne largest shopping centers. DABC has provided the outfit solutions and is famous with its sharp tailoring, top quality, high competitive model and shiny accessories. It is one of the most searched fashion stores for metropolitan men and women.
DEBENHAMS is a famous department store in the UK, primarily providing clothing, accessories, beauty and furniture. DEBENHAMS performs as a leader in UK market in clothing and premium health and beauty. Moreover, it also owns an online shop and operates stores across 27 countries overseas.
This marketing plan lays the foundations on which to build a solid and successful entry and entail a marketing campaign promoting core brand attributes and aligning them with our target market. To keep the plan on track specific objectives have been created to guide all strategic decisions. The objectives are divided into marketing and financial objectives
Dillard department stores is one of the smallest retail chains in the nations, however, it is still a widely known department store. Dillard’s Inc. is a family owned and operated company which gives it some competitive edge over the larger, investor owned retail chains. The company operates about three hundred brick and mortar retail stores and about twenty-five discount stores in the United States. These stores are scattered throughout 29 states; mainly in the southeast, southwest, and Midwest. In addition to their physical store locations, Dillard’s Inc. ships to countries around the world through its website, Dillard’s Dillard’s Inc. also owns CDI Contractors, which is a construction firm that builds and remodels the company’s department stores. In addition to these business endeavors, the company owns several small online retailers such as and (, 2016).
This report provides an analysis and an evaluation of the success of Debenhams. In order to analyze the business, several aspects must be taken into consideration such as financial elements: profitability, managing costs and non-financial elements: customer base, reputation and many others. The report is going to cover most of these factors to justify the success of Debenhams. Results of the research and data analyzed show that Debenhams has increased in trading activity and reputation through the years exceptionally; from a single store in London to a worldwide known brand. Their business performance has been growing due to their employment process, business and marketing strategies, franchising and customer satisfaction methods. In
There are over 1.1 million men and woman amateur and pro bodybuilders alone in the United States. The IFBB has competitors age ranges from as young as 16 years to as old as 83 within a range categories for competition, The NutiBullet Pro is a necessary tool to assist the competitors in preparing for competitions fulfilling a need for a quick, convenient and easy way for bodybuilders to create their protein shakes, whey smoothies or one of their required 6 to 7 meals a day.
Marketing is essential for every business, be it a small household business or a large multinational group. All businesses depend on marketing in one way or the other. Setting of goals according to entrepreneur’s visions marks the starting o f the plan. It is better to do proper research and documentation before launching a product in the market or else the results will not be according to one’s thinking. Raymond Morose is the owner of Pet Palace and has been running this business for the last 44 years (Manta, 2010). Raymond Morose is running the business with a small staff but is very clear about his goals, as he has set his goals according to SMART approach. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based and
* The staff are very supportive to the customers at every stage. Each and every process is made simple to the customers to ensure that they donot face any difficulty in the process.
The customer service personnel should be in a position to acknowledge their clients and pay attention well to whatever they say and put into practice active listening. They should also give a chance to the customers to respond to the services the company offers perhaps through the enterprise’s website. For any company to prosper, good customer relation is paramount in building a loyal
This is one of the most sought after budget shopping destination. Be it showrooms or street hawkers you can find yourself hooked to both traditional and western wear. After shopping some fabulous apparels, we
It is the leading consumer goods company in India. The name Dabur is derived from the Devanagri