
Marketing Plan

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Coca-Cola Company will launch its improved product that will bring energy drinks into new heights. We created Coke 100, the very first soft drink that gives the same punch every energy boosters contain but still have the refreshing goodness every Coke-lover wants. We are preparing to serve our target market that comprises of teenagers, young adults, adults who belong to social classes of A, B, and C who need their daily dose of energy. Our objective is primarily to have a profitable year as its initial term of operation. Along with this is our secondary objective which is the want for an established and lucrative relationship with our soon-to-be loyal consumers. This would be possible because of the fact that …show more content…

And up to now, they are continuing the legacy of being the largest distributor of beverages worldwide. Current Market Situation: We are now in the 21st century and we can notice that there are gradual changes in the society like cultural shift towards active lifestyle. So many companies have a tight competition in creating products that will cater to those people who need energy for their daily activities, such as sports and energy drinks. Moreover, research shows that demand for these kinds of products is expected to grow at a rate of 10 percent from 2011-2016. Thus, in response to this, Coca-Cola Company will introduce Coke 100, the first and only soft drink that contains energy-boosting ingredients. In terms, of competition, Coca-Cola holds the largest market share with 42 percent of the global market; followed by Pepsi Co., holding 29.3 percent share in the market; and Dr. Pepper Snapple, manufacturer of RC Cola, ranked as third, holding 16.7 percent of the market. MARKET SHARE in the Global Market Market Description: Like the other products of Coca-Cola, Coke 100’s market is generally for all consumers who are thirsty, but the most potential age group is the multi-cultural youth that positions Coca-Cola as a unifying agent which binds the diverse youth culture. And

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