In relation to its offering a departure from the hyper-commercialized, ready-made dolls of the modern world, DIY (Do-it-yourself) doll-making influence is beneficial on what it means to be a creative and imaginative. The commercial doll has existed alongside its counterpart, the homemade doll, since the beginning of industrialization. Keri MINIKA creates and produces a decorative nine to eleven inches sock dolls, body patterns with accessory tags. Keri MINIKA can impress potential buyers for its unique, various appeals and styles with its colorful sock designs that are perfect for personal gifts, decorations and event materials in different occasions. Keri MINIKA is made of cotton socks that unlike plastic it is easy to repair
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Keri MINIKA serves as a medium for artistic creation and narrative development with the potential to transform childhood identities.
Keri MINIKA can transform its look literally from head to toe, a well-made and versatile and it will last for years to come when properly maintained. Everything on the doll can be repaired or replaced if necessary. The socks used has its own unique designs and style that will give customers joy with sense of enjoyment and beauty. The light weight stuffing material is in good quality and environmental friendly. Our doll’s size is enough to be displayed in cars, Christmas trees and in every corners of the house.
A handmade sock doll is unique, as is the users who opt to buy our products hold a unique place as it provides among different events on our lives, for it is the archetypal image of human. Every doll can bring different emotions. In different ways both forms of the Keri MINIKA doll played a significant role in the lives of people and it will shape both collective and individual identities associated with what we think of as being lively and
Rachel Aouli Kalama Utagawa was six when the book Moloka’i by Alan Brennert began. She wanted to travel the world like her father did. Every time he went to a new place he brought Rachel a cultural doll. The most recent addition to her collection was a Russian nesting doll. Like her newest doll, Rachel was still showing her outermost shell. She was an innocent girl who saw the good in the entire world around her. As she explored and discovered the layers of herself, the world around her unfolded. This sweet doll had layers of innocence, sorrow, hate, joy, and fulfillment.
She makes stools for gifts and it's always striving to improve her skills, her artistic talent is obvious and exciting. Becki attributes some of her dollmaking creativity and quilting to Marguerite Barton whom she took painting classes from in
The young girl was sitting in her room, brushing her favorite doll’s hair while humming a sweet melodic tune. Her doll was made of brown fabric with pieces of yellow yarn tightly stitched to the doll’s head. It had black button eyes and a pink sundress on. This doll was Haddi’s most prized possession. Haddi’s doll was given to her by her mother when she was a baby, right before her mother had passed away.
Revisit the selling price of specialty branded doll #106 based on the customization requirements by the customers.
innovation could increase the girls’ pride with the doll because of the shared features and participation
II. The doll symbolizes the clay toys the indigenous children received from their parents, reflecting their childhood; the exchange of gifts parallels my own childhood.
Causes of dispensing errors can be traced by root-cause analysis or by inquiring with practicing pharmacists by means of a survey. Root-cause analysis comes closer to reality, because a survey measures on the perceptions and opinions of pharmacists. An example of the former type was a study in a UK hospital in which the researchers used semi structured interviews of pharmacy staff about self-reported dispensing errors (Anacleto, T.A., Perini, Rosa, Cesar, 2007)
Children’s child play has become a form of an unrealistic world. Although, it is considered for children to begin creating a creative imagination, the mind fascinates children into toys. Some child’s play toys are not ideal for young children, like the one and only “Barbie”. Barbie has become a worldwide toy product for children all over the world, from the North Pole to the South Pole. These dolls have emerged from one ethnicity to another. In Ann DuCille, “Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie and the Merchandising of Differences” the author talks about the race and gender differences; found in Barbie. She argues; “Is Barbie bad?” her response, was “Barbie is just a piece of plastic” (459). In contrast, this piece of plastic is not just a piece of plastic to young girls; it is much more than that. A piece of plastic that little girls all over the world wish they could be. Even though, it is only a piece of plastic to adults that Barbie significantly means nothing to them. Growing up, I owned a couple of Barbie dolls. The tall, long blond hair, blue-eyed doll was my best friend and my “role model”. I wanted to become exactly like Barbie. As a child, I thought only beautiful people who looked liked Barbie signified beauty. To my little to no knowledge, I soon came to find out no one really looks like Barbie, except people who want to become like Barbie. In my adolescent years, no one taught me Barbie was “unreal”; no one taught me it was just a figure in my imagination.
The sweet and savory spreads market in the last decade has undergone phenomenal changes due to varying economic, environmental and social conditions. Honey in particular, has been one spread that has gone through both prosperous and rough patches. Honey manufacturers and packers have used technological innovation to create a new market niche while strengthening their traditional markets with solid marketing schemes and planning.
When Quiksilver announced the start of its women line Roxy in 1990, they defined the brand as a “fun, bold, athletic, daring and classy” brand for young women. Market segmentation is a crucial marketing strategy and Roxy utilizes the four bases that are commonly used for segmenting consumer markets including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and benefits sought segmentation. The geographic segmentation is ideally unlimited for the Roxy target market because the brand offers clothes for both warm and cold weather, however, it focuses mainly on the “beach lifestyle” and is generally more popular in beach towns. The demographic segmentation of the Roxy brand, is aimed to attract young women between the
Barbie, at the age of 41, is one of the longest living toys in America. Analyzing her early history can give a person a look into the societal trends and culture of the late 1950's and early 1960's. There is evidence of fashion innovations in Barbie's wardrobe. Also, one can see the perception of females by society, such as what they should look like, how they should act and dress, as well as what their future goals could be. The following essay follows Barbie's history from 1959 to 1963, covering her development, her appeal to children, and her existence as a cultural artifact of the time period.
As my 4 year old self laid upon the Kazak carpet that coated my entire living room, I seamlessly attempted to assemble my Matryoshka doll back into its original state. While my fingers lightly stroked the wooden components of the doll, I realized how captivating the complexity of it was. While I was a child, I invariably portrayed the doll as merely a “toy” with an interesting concept behind it; however, as I emerged into my adolescent years, I understood that the Matryoshka symbolized my process of growth and adaptation as an American immigrant.
In general terms, marketing is all related to the places of buying and selling of goods and services to satisfy customers’ needs. Nowadays marketing is the most important issues for success of every business marketing is the activity, set of institution, and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and
During the second half of the 20th century, there has been unprecedented growth in adoptions (Selman, 2009; Stolley, 1993). Not only has the number of adoptees more than doubled from approximately 50,000 in the 1940’s to more than 110,000 in 1990 (Stolley, 1993), but this increase has been the inspiration of significant studies related to the psychological, social and physical health of the adopted population. Furthermore, in the past four decades, the U.S. has become the number one destination of adopted children from foreign countries.
HIV and AIDS are two diseases that have both been around for a while now but did not arrive in the United States until the nineteen seventies. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if it is not treated within a certain amount of time. Both diseases can be very harmful to the body, and they are not hard to catch. HIV spreads from others through a sexual intercourse but is more likely to come from an unprotected sexual intercourse. HIV is a disease that cannot leave the body, even after treatment. This disease attacks our immune system, mainly our T Cells, which causes the immune system to not be able to fight off infections. When the number of these cells decreases, it makes our bodies prone to other infections. AIDS is the third and the most severe stage of HIV. If someone were to catch HIV and AIDS, it could make a minor sickness deadly.