
Marketing and Samsung

Better Essays

Samsung Electronics

Galaxy Tab

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

1.0 Industry Overview 5

1.1 Industry Summary 5

1.1.1 Industry Size and Growth 5

1.2 Company Analysis …show more content…

The main concern identified in the research were: the protection of intellectual property.

By a thorough application of Kanter’s, Samsung is strongly believed to have achieved Continuous Improvement and Relationships, yet, a lower efficient in Time compression and not really effective Core Competencies. This can be exhibited through their product line get frequent upgraded and the strategic alliance program to attract allies from many fields. Regarding to the tablet sector, this new acquired knowledge will boost the Samsung future tablet.

Moreover, analysis using Day & Wensley’s model identified that Samsung could achieve competitive advantages within the tablet sector through their superior skill in innovation and information technology. In addition, their superior resource in global strategy and strategic alliances also contribute to gain the advantages. These allow Samsung to provide the differentiated product, superior customer value and cost reduction. However, Samsung’s disadvantages of key industry success factors: relative weak brand preference compared to the market leader and inferior battery life. Samsung would benefit in building additional superior skills and resources that it could generate the sustainable and further competitive advantages.

Three challenges are identified as being the most significant and pressing, that Samsung should address to maintain and improve upon its competitive

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