
Marley And Me Compare And Contrast Book And Movie

Satisfactory Essays

Today I will be talking about the comparison and the contrast of the Marley & Me book and movie. Marley & me is a book written by John Grogan the book and movie have different morals which will later be discussed. In this story you’ll most definitely have some tears shed and some big grins. In the book there are some differences that caught my eye. In the book John had his first dog named Shaun when he was 10, he said that Shaun was his best friend when he was little . Also, when John and Jenny got marley he was the main focus in the story. Marley’s father was in the bushes watching him when John and Jenny first adopted Marley. In this story John and Jenny put Marley in a disobedience test and he fails but they later on take him back and he

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