
Marriage In Judaism And Religion Essay

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Marriage in Catholicism and Judaism - Powerpoint

The divine, who is it? What is it? Understanding the divine is something people have always attempted to do. Some accomplishing it, some not. Artefacts show sacred documents dating back to 10 000 BCE. Many communities are built on their faith in the divine. None of these communities are the same, each and every religion or culture has different beliefs about the divine. Their understanding of God or the divine can be seen in their diets, their looks, their rituals and even the way they go about everyday life. The beliefs of the divine through the religions of Judaism and Catholicism can be seen in their wedding rites and rituals.

Judaism was created after a covenant was made between Abraham and God, it is believed this covenant was made around 2000 BCE. God or Yahweh, as he is known to the Jewish faith, told Abraham that he would be led to a new land in which Abraham would rule and, like the land, his name would become great. And it did, this land is now known as Israel but was formerly known as Canaan. Of the 14 million Jews in the world today, most of them live in Israel (Hughes, 2016). Judaism is one of the oldest faiths (dating back 4000 years) (Goldburg, P, 2018) and main monotheistic faiths which is the …show more content…

The Torah is written in Hebrew and it is a source of wisdom which Jews turn to in everyday life. Jewish followers undertake daily prayer and devout Jews pray at dawn, noon and dusk, and sometimes before going to bed (Hughes, 2016).

Marriage or Kiddushin rites in the Judaic faith are very important as family is thought to be a great blessing and a man without a woman is led to an existence without joy, experiencing life’s true goodness, without Torah, protection or peace. The Torah contains wisdom on the importance of marriage “A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one

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