Throughout the story of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s opinion on love and marriage changes immensely from not wanting to get married to getting married back to hating the idea of marrying someone other than Romeo. In the beginning of the story Juliet did not like the idea of getting married and even told her mother “It is an honor that I dream not of.” While her mother was talking to her about getting married. Later on in the story Juliet meets Romeo and they fall in love, although their families are rivals. One night while Romeo was visiting Juliet she told him “O, swear not by the moon, th' inconstant moon,” because she wanted consistency from Romeo so they could pursue their relationship. Romeo and Juliet eventually get married by Friar Laurence
Throughout Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Juliet's attitude toward love and marriage changes dramatically, from when Juliet despises marriage, to quickly falling in love and wanting to marry, to giving up on all hope because her lover is dead. In Juliet’s first introduction into Act 1, Scene 3, Juliet does not intend to get married and does not use the word love. Juliet’s mother later asks her to marry Paris but Juliet says she will “look to like”, again not using the word love. Later on the balcony Juliet gives her vow of love and completely forgets about previous problems, blinded by love. The balcony scene is Juliet’s turning point in her opinion of love and marriage because she makes vows and devotes herself to the relationship.
After Friar recognizes the issues Romeo and Juliet may face, he chooses to marry them saying, “For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone/ Till holy church incorporate two in one”( Friar Laurence proceeds to naively marry Romeo and Juliet, knowing the family strife, knowing they were moving too fast, and knowing Romeo impulsively switches between
Within the play titled Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare the character Juliet of the Capulet family changes her attitude toward love and marriage. Shakespeare's play displays that Juliet’s attitude adjusts throughout the play; she goes from being an independent woman who does not seek marriage, to having a cautious love, to eventually hopelessly in love. At the beginning of the play Juliet’s mother speaks with her about marriage, which Juliet answers to her mother "It is an honor I dream not of,” showing that she has no interest in love. Then when the play moves to the balcony scene Juliet shows change of where she feels that Romeo is her first love, yet she still displays no intent to marry. Eventually after Juliet does decide
I think Romeo and Juliet shouldn't get secretively married because they just met each other and her nurse doesn't want her to get married because she thinks Juliet is going to have a baby if she get married. Another thing is the Montagues and the Capulets doesn't get alone. So if she was to get married to him there would be a fight or an argument like everyday.
Romeo could have chosen any girl to be with instantly, but instead he had to pick a Capulet, one of his family's enemies. His infatuation with the idea of love causes him to believe that he had true feelings for Juliet. However, his actions toward Juliet shows his obsessive and clingy personality. He was with Rosaline one day and the next with Juliet. He was so desperate to be with someone, he had to marry Juliet. Friar went along with the proposition and married the two of them. Romeo didn’t even think of what consequences they could have faced if they became married or how their families would feel of the situation. To be married at such a young age, Romeo cannot possibly handle all of the obstacles that hang in the future. When Romeo went to the Capulet ball uninvited, Tybalt felt offended and sent a letter challenging Romeo to a duel. Romeo was relaxed and tried to solve the argument words, but instead Tybalt insulted Romeo by calling him a villain. Instead riling him into a fight, Romeo responded with, “But love thee better than thou canst devise/...And so, good Capulet—which name I
he is later in the play. He thinks that Juliet is too young and if she
Friar Laurence,though he thought he was doing the right thing for the young teens, he really had a bad judgment.He carried the burden of their deaths forever. If he had delivered the message of Juliet’s death being fake, Romeo wouldn’t have gone to the apothecary and gotten a poison to kill himself. Instead of helping and supporting them to disclose their love situation, he looked for and chose “easy” way out of the sticky situation. He submitted to their dreams and hopes. He married Romeo and Juliet instead of encouraging them to come forth their families with the information about their affair As a result of their hidden affair, their stronger bond grew even stronger withen them was created when marriage: "For, by your leaves, you
Romeo and Juliet seek advice by the wrong person. One day after meeting each other, they seek marriage from Friar Laurence, the head of the church in Verona. Laurence agreed to marry them to bring their families
Marriage in the Renaissance was dramatically different than that of today. Generally, marriage was used for personal gain, such as a gain of wealth or social status or for sexual pleasure. The idea of marrying for love and happiness was infrequent, but not inexistent in the Renaissance. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers share a passionate and powerful love that was rare in the time period, which resulted their tragic demise. Romeo’s irrational actions, such as going to the Capulet’s party, killing Tybalt, and his own obsession with love drives Juliet’s and his own suicide.
tension, the second he lays his eyes on her he says “if I profane with
“Romeo and Juliet” is a play by William Shakespeare. It is about two lovers from two feuding families, and their attempts to be together. Friar Laurence is the friar who marries Romeo and Juliet, and helps them throughout the play. The Friar has several character traits, two of them being knowledgeable and helpful.
Romeo and Juliet first met with each other the night of Lord Capulet’s party and after speaking with each other once they had instantly fallen madly in love. They had been possessed by their intense feelings of love and admiration for one another and spent the night confessing it in the Capulet’s orchard whereupon they agreed that if their love was true, then they shall get married immediately so that they may spend the rest of their lives loving one another. As Juliet spoke to Romeo from atop her balcony, she proclaimed, “If that thy bent of love be honourable/Thy purpose marriage, send me a word to-morrow” (II.ii.149-150). Juliet explains to Romeo that if his love for her is true as he says and that his intentions are to marry her, then he shall send a messenger to her tomorrow with the news. The two teenagers’ plan to get married leads Romeo to seek out Friar Laurence in his cell so that he may ask him to perform this holy matrimony which ultimately sets the rest of the story in motion. Romeo later arrives to Friar Laurence’s cell to propose the idea about a possible marriage. “But come young waverer, come go with me./In one respect I’ll thy assistant be;/For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your
When analysing Romeo and Juliet it becomes apparent that while the two main characters’ lives were said to be predetermined by fate, it is Romeo's deep love for Juliet that acts as the catalyst that sets his fate into motion. Romeo was bound to love juliet but it was Romeo’s deep love for juliet that gets Romeo in to trouble. Additionally, Romeo gets to caught up in the one and only love of his life and when all the sudden it was gone he decided to kill himself. Although Romeo stated, “with love's light wings did I o’erperch these walls”( 2.2.73-75). This would prove that know matter what happens romeo will always go after Juliet/love Juliet. Ultimately, it is Romeo who is to romantic therefor creating the fate for himself and Juliet.
Juliet's attitude towards love and marriage changes significantly throughout the play, at first she never even thought about marriage, but then falls deeply in love with Romeo, as a result Juliet decides she can’t live without Romeo and kill’s herself.
Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s mood about marriage have changed, when she was first told about marriage, she was shy, when she meets Romeo she was anxious, but towards the end Juliet felt depressed about marriage. When the audience is first introduced to Juliet, she is talking to Lady Capulet and Nurse about marriage. Throughout the whole scene, Juliet stands there and listens, and talks minimum, the cause of Juliet's little interaction is because Juliet is cautious about marriage. During the rising action part of the story, Juliet meets a boy named Romeo. Juliet falls in love with Romeo and would do anything to be with him, within one day from being shy about marriage she is anxious to get married to Romeo. After the death of Tybalt,