
Marriage Is A Bond Made

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Marriage is a bond made, between two people, that is meant to last until death. The idea of getting married, is a way of life that has been instilled in society’s brain, as a milestone for a fulfilling life. Children grow up watching movies and reading books about young love and happily ever after, while teenagers are in search for a “#goals” relationship. Starting at a young age and continuing on throughout adulthood; crushes, relationships, and marriage are a popular topics of discussion. Young girls and boys are asked if they have a crush on anyone at school. Teenagers are teased and tease each other when they admit to liking someone or even start to date. College students are bombarded with questions about if they have found a significant other yet, when returning home for the holidays. Finally, adults are constantly pressured to find the one and settle down with them.
When a relationship is established there are two possible outcomes for the couple; breaking up or marriage. Couples decide to get married for a variety of reasons. Some get married solely because they are in love while others marry for finical stability. Whatever the reason, marriage is a huge step for both partners to take part in. Marriage legally and emotionally binds two people together. During a marriage ceremony vows and rings are exchanged between the two partners. These vows are promises the couple makes to one another and the rings represent the bond that these promises create. The couple also

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