With access to a world beyond us, we become curious of what these mysterious planets provide. The magnificence of the solar system holds such broad information that we have yet to perceive, which extends our list of curiosities. Specifically, Mars has remain, in our perspective, as an example of a different condition with possibilities of being the “improved Earth”. Why is there so much pressure to have an alternate planet that contains life, like Earth? Earth has shown so many signs of abnormal natural situations and disasters, such as global warming, that there are concerns that existence will vanish as the planet becomes weak. Scientifically, we have established a goal to find life on other planets, to substitute any life problems on Earth. However, planets as inadequate as Mars, do not provide life humans are custom to, therefore we require strong evidence to support our goals. If life may exist on Mars, we lack the intelligence to consider other planets as the new Earth. Space …show more content…
On the other hand, Mars includes half the characteristics of this globe. It takes seven properties to classify an object in the life system. They need to be complex and unique organisms that can reproduce, obtain nutrients, contain gene coding, as well as, interact with their environment (Source A). Still, David Catling states, “Only a very small fraction of the surface of Mars has been altered by liquid water.” (Source B). Meaning, Mars has little to no evidence of bodies of water. And since water is a firm indication of life, our view on Mars is that it has limited resources. Additionally, if Mars once possessed life than how can the ice, that was found by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, be 99% pure? (Source D) I mean knowing how old Mars is, such form of water should have dirt or other signs of life, like bacteria, mixed in. It just goes to show how lacking our discoveries
Considered the most dynamic main character of The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor undergoes great changes and developments throughout each act. From the very beginning of the play, Proctor is nothing more than a lying, cheating man with secrets to hide. However, he learns to clear his conscience and alter his actions with no regard to the consequences he may suffer. He goes to great lengths to admit to his lies, clear unfairly soiled names, and be truthful to his wife and God. Despite his initial flaws, Proctor is seen to grow into a caring husband and friend at the cost of everything.
SpaceX is planning on sending humans to Mars by the 2030s -- but why not Venus instead? Venus, at least in some ways, is much more like Earth than Mars, Unlike Mars, Venus has a thick atmosphere made of Carbon Dioxide to protect humans from harmful solar radiation, and may allow us to extract Oxygen from. Likewise, Venus also has similar size and gravity to Earth as well. After all, did I mention trips to Venus are much less costly than to Mars?
By reading this article, we told that Mars is no longer a liveable planet as what the scientists have thought before. Mariner 4 gave the close-up portrait of the Red Planet and it showed that it was cold and dry. Mars did not have water and flocks of oxygen. Moreover, the surface is filled with ultraviolet light which harm for us. The theory
The detected levels of nitrogen on Mars indicated that life possibly existed in the neighboring planet to Earth as these traces are essential to run all human life processes. But this was not the only discovery NASA’s Curiosity Rover made in 2015 -- in NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS’s photograph, the veins and nodules over a cluster of rocks on Mars were captured, suggesting that liquid water existed on the red planet (see fig. 1-2). Such discoveries can only prompt more findings to be made in the future as humans are one step closer to finding life beyond Earth’s boundaries. As NASA Chief Charles Bolden put it best, “Mars is a stepping stone to other solar systems” (Iacurci
The day was one of many. soon to my suspense something was going to happen that I would never forget.
Is Mars really worth colonizing? Mars is a very interesting planet to explore, but making a living there is a whole different idea. Colonizing Mars is a bad idea because astronauts will suffer from boredom, scientists will risk the lives of human beings, and humans will leave the nature on Earth behind.
Imagine if you are traveling at lightning speed with only a few people traveling with you. In a few months you will be on a planet with only 3 other people. would you go? Of course not.
The universe is too massive to describe in words, and is always expanding, mars could have once held life, and NASA has already discovered other habitable planets. There is no reason to scoff at the notion of alien life, the facts are too numerous, but we always need more. More discoveries and theories to keep the dream alive, that's why people should be more invested in space exploration, problems we have on this planet could have solutions on others. The universe could hold answers to questions we haven't asked, and to those queries we have, it's just a matter of whether or not we’re ready for
Some scientists thought that they had found evidence of life on Mars in the past. However, the evidence found was dead fossilized bacteria that was some 3.6 billion years old on a meteor from Mars that struck Antarctica. Scientists conclude that this meteor was from Mars because it contained traces of the Martian atmosphere. Small round objects that looked like bacteria on Earth along with molecules and minerals made from the bacteria were discovered by scientists. In addition, it is believed that water may have been on Mars which scientists believe is necessary for life. Pictures of Mars shows dried up lake beds, past floods and old river channels. However, scientists are yet to confirm if there really was water on Mars in the past but are sure that there is no water on the surface of Mars right
Before the expedition: The reason why I choose to move to Mars is because my life is pointless on Earth. Think about it, almost everything on Earth has been explored or changed in some way and I just want to live in an area that I can make a difference. Soon it will be Autumn 2045, the arrival time to Mars, and I am so ready for the change. I know some of the people are going to have a hard time getting over their family, but for me it is a little different. The only “family” I have is a pet chinchilla Han Solo, R.I.P, and he is just not filling the void.
Preview Statement: The possibility of life on mars is an extravagant topic to look at. Before that, we must analyze Mars itself along with its conditions. First, we will talk about the ice caps located on Mars. Second, we will examine the water streaks on Mars. Third we will observe if the red planet is inhabitable for humans to conquer it.
Ever since that first trip to Mexico to see my grandmother for the first time, we talk at least every month. Sometimes I regret for not being friendly early on. She taught me to be open to new things, to enjoy the simple things, and to appreciate what life has given me. I have gained a friend, a mentor, and a new
One second the Earth may be causally orbiting around the sun, functioning normally, and the next, it could be sucked into a rogue black hole, without anyone even knowing until it is too late. In this small world, mankind may seem powerful and unstoppable. However, in the bigger picture, humans are just tiny specks on some miniscule planet, somewhere in the middle of the universe. The real question is, what if humans weren’t just specks on one tiny planet, but were specks on two planets, Earth and Mars? On September 28, 2015, scientists from NASA (North American Space Agency) confirmed that liquid water flows on Mars today. Although they discovered water on Mars, it is only in the form of ice and snow. Finding signs of liquid water on today’s
‘’Are we the only one?’’ sang Marcus Jung in his song ‘’Life on Mars’’. Over the last fifty years, the NASA and other important institutions, such as ESA, have reported important discovery about life on other planets. Forms of life and similar living conditions, such as oxygen and water, have been found on Mars. Therefore, enigmas and new interesting questions are starting to emerge, that is whether human beings could actually live on Mars, whether there might be aliens and whether we may begin a form of colonization.
Ever since the beginning of physics and Astronomy man has pondered the question, “Are we alone?” Scientists have studied and collected data from the eight Planets. However, mostly all of them lack the key nutrients needed. Except when we took a closer look at the red planet (Mars), one can see a couple of those nutrients on Mars. The most outstanding features of the red planet are its water, Atmosphere, and extreme storms.