
Mars Pros And Cons Research Paper

Decent Essays

With access to a world beyond us, we become curious of what these mysterious planets provide. The magnificence of the solar system holds such broad information that we have yet to perceive, which extends our list of curiosities. Specifically, Mars has remain, in our perspective, as an example of a different condition with possibilities of being the “improved Earth”. Why is there so much pressure to have an alternate planet that contains life, like Earth? Earth has shown so many signs of abnormal natural situations and disasters, such as global warming, that there are concerns that existence will vanish as the planet becomes weak. Scientifically, we have established a goal to find life on other planets, to substitute any life problems on Earth. However, planets as inadequate as Mars, do not provide life humans are custom to, therefore we require strong evidence to support our goals. If life may exist on Mars, we lack the intelligence to consider other planets as the new Earth. Space …show more content…

On the other hand, Mars includes half the characteristics of this globe. It takes seven properties to classify an object in the life system. They need to be complex and unique organisms that can reproduce, obtain nutrients, contain gene coding, as well as, interact with their environment (Source A). Still, David Catling states, “Only a very small fraction of the surface of Mars has been altered by liquid water.” (Source B). Meaning, Mars has little to no evidence of bodies of water. And since water is a firm indication of life, our view on Mars is that it has limited resources. Additionally, if Mars once possessed life than how can the ice, that was found by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, be 99% pure? (Source D) I mean knowing how old Mars is, such form of water should have dirt or other signs of life, like bacteria, mixed in. It just goes to show how lacking our discoveries

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