
Marshmallow Test Paper

Decent Essays

The child I used for this experiment was my five year old cousin who is a female. I chose her because she was the only child I could think of who was around the most efficient early childhood age to test for her development of Seriation, Conservation, Delaying Gratification, and the double picture duck or bunny. I found the most suitable place to do these experiments at the dining table so that I’d have a nice flat surface to lay out all my testing material. There was only one experiment that required me to leave the room and watch from afar which was the marshmallow test. Yes, you may have guessed it, but I did quite a few tests on her because I was curious to see if she had developed some of these stages already.
Firstly, I started off with …show more content…

I had to keep reassuring her that she was not allowed to drink the water in the glass and make whichever glass she wanted to be more. Cognitively, she’s developed a sense of object permanence because when I tried to hide her favorite stuffed animal underneath the tablecloth she quickly got it right back from underneath the tablecloth. Emotionally, she was in a happy mood because I started off with the marshmallow test, but substituted that with reese’s instead. She was immediately excited after seeing that one reese’s placed before her. She’s developed a sense of self control and delayed gratification because she never touched, or even ate the reese’s as I could see her anticipating for me to hurry and come back for an extra reese’s candy. Her language development was fairly well because she did elaborate on her answers for deciding on which things had more, instead of just saying yes or no. Her answers always start off with her doing this hesitant shy look then progressed into her giving her elaborative …show more content…

Typically, it isn’t until middle childhood that most children have developed a sense that the amount of a substance remains the same even when it’s appearance has changed. When I did the conservation experiment on her with the glasses of water I realized that she did what most preoperational thinking children who believe the narrow or taller glass has more in it would do. They use four preoperational thought characteristics that help develop their answer which is focus, appearance, static reasoning, and, irreversibility. Because they focus their center attention on what they see which is whatever is appeared before them. Then they notice only the immediate static condition. However, it does not occur to them that they could reverse the process and recreate the level of a moment for earlier which is

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