
Martha In O Brien's The Things They Carried

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The Role of Martha in The Things They Carried In The Things They Carried, Martha was a woman who Lieutenant Cross had deep feelings for. He was truly in love with her even though he knew she probably did not feel the same way. Martha sent Cross letters that he cherished so much, he spent most of his time reading them. Martha had Cross’s mind focused completely on her instead of what was going on in his surroundings. Martha was a distraction, she was part of the reason one of his men had died but she did help Cross grow into a man. Martha is considered a distraction for Cross because she kept him unfocused. Cross spent all day thinking about what Martha could be doing or who she spent her time with. Cross was a lieutenant involved in war yet he could not stay focused, he was unable of putting his priorities in order. Steven Kaplan states “after one of Cross’s men has died because Cross was too busy thinking of Martha…” and O’brien also mentions in his story “He tried to concentrate on Lee Strunk and the war, all the dangers, but his love was too much for him…”(11). From reading this sentences, I can tell that Cross had a small obsession with Martha. Cross could not handle the power of love he had when it came to Martha. He had his …show more content…

“He pictured Martha’s smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he loved her so much and couldn’t stop thinking about her”(6-7). Cross then starts to blame himself for the death that has occurred. Joanna McCarthy says “He suffers with guilt because he was thinking of Martha at the moment that Lavender was killed—he has loved her more than his men”. If he had been focused on what he was in Vietnam for, and not daydreaming about spending time with Martha, he could have been a better lookout and noticed that Lavender had left from their

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