Martha Washington
Martha Washington was a woman whose husband was well known but not many people know much about her. Once married to George Washington on January 6, 1759, Martha would be by his side until his death. (Desmond 89)
Born in Virginia as Martha Dandridge to Colonel John Dandridge and Frances Dandridge, Martha grew up on a tobacco plantation called Chestnut Grove. She was the eldest of her siblings and referred as Patsy. Since she was the eldest, her mother made sure Martha began to learn how to act like a lady early. Martha and her sister, although not custom, were taught by a tutor for a while since the tutor was already teaching their brothers. The tutor taught her addition and subtraction, reading and spelling. Martha did not like school but she would learn how important spelling, addition and subtraction were in the future. Her mother taught her how to sew and cook, as all girls of that time were taught. Martha was very close to her father, who helped her get out of trouble that her adventurous side got her into and granted many of her wants unlike her strict mother, who wanted her to act like a lady. She had a horse named
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It was during these next few months that Martha tried to use the addition and subtraction that she had unwillingingly been taught as a child. After noticing losses in sales, Martha was willing to get help. During the nine months after her husband’s death she met and enjoyed the company of General George Washington, introduced by friends. Both found each had experienced loss, Martha, her Daniel and George, his brother. After their first meeting Martha, was very interested in getting to know George better. She even sent one of her servants to help him cross the river on his way to visit her. George and Martha became engaged just nine months after Daniel’s death. Jacky and Patty warmed to George
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He attended school for approximately eight years. Washington lived with his mother until the age of 16. At the age of 15, Washington took a job as an assistant land surveyor. In 1748, he began working in the Shanandoah Valley to help survey the land holdings of Lord Fairfax. By 1749, he established a good reputation as a land surveyor and was appointed Culpeper counties official land surveyor.
Mary Ann Cotton was born October 31 1832 and died on March 24 1873. She was England’s first female murderer as her murders reached the front cover of every single news stand in Britain. She is best known for killing three of her four husbands, apparently in order to collect on their insurance policies. Overall she killed and poisoned 21 people in total ,including eleven of her thirteen children. Moreover, she grew up in the City of Sunderland, Endlnad. At the age of 8 her parents moved the entire family to the County Durham village of Murton. While in school, she was extremely lonely and did not make any friends. Right after the move, her father fell to his death down a mine shaft. After her father’s death, her mother remarried to George Stott. Mary found it difficult to get along with him and at the age of 16 she eventually moved out to become a nurse.After three years studying to become a nurse, Mary’s dreams fell apart as she returned home to live with her mother and eventually became a dressmaker.
George Washington Lane was born to Jonathan and Mary Colley Lane 1806. George was either born in Cherokee or Ogelthorp County Georgia. In 1818 George moved to Limestone County Alabama with his mother Mary Colley Lane. George earned an elementary education after arriving in Alabama. He read law under Judge Daniel Coleman and was admitted to the bar in 1826. George was then elected probate judge of Limestone County, Alabama and then was elected circuit judge, he served that office for sixteen consecutive years. George represented Limestone County on several occasions in the legislature. On October 3, 1834 George Married Martha Nicholas Davis the daughter of Captain Nicholas Davis. George and Martha had 11 children, Robert Wilson Lane, George Gale, Nicholas, Mary, Kate Gaston, Belta Colley, May Fern, Charles Paul, and Hector Davis are the children listed in the 1840 census. Seven of George’s children lived to adulthood. The 1840 census of Limestone County Alabama lists George as head of a household of 48. George owned 44 slaves. George Washington Lane was a highly respected and successful farmer, lawyer and politician at the beginning of the anti-slavery movement. As the anti-slavery movement increased, George is said to have freed all of his slaves soon after the secession debates in Montgomery were held. George was strongly opposed to secession. George was convinced that secession was a mistake, and to let everyone know how he felt, he hung a union flag over his door. Apparently George’s beliefs were well known and had found their way to Washington around April of 1861. At that time it is said that he was appointed Federal Judge of
There were many “Founding Mothers” of America and each of them had their own contribution in the American Revolution and Martha Washington was one them. Martha Washington played a vital role during the revolutionary period of US history. She is considered as the first “First Lady” of America and was a wife of George Washington and they both spent considerable time with each other during the American Revolution. She expanded her social circle during the revolution, as she met the influential members of society in New York and Boston.
Martha Washington- (1732-1802)- During the Revolutionary War, Martha joined her husband for part of each winter encampment, he attended, including the 1777-1778 encampment at Valley Forge. Martha arrived in the beginning of February and left in the beginning of June. Much of Martha’s time at the encampment was involved in running the household at Washington’s Headquarters. This would include organizing daily meals for the staff, entertaining guests and officers’ wives. According to Pierre Etienne Duponceau, secretary to Baron Von Steuben wrote, “In the midst of all our distress there were some bright sided of the picture which Valley Forge exhibited...Mrs. Washington had the courage to follow her husband to that dismal abode…”
She merchant was a term applied to females who were respected for their skills in commerce. There are many ways women got into merchandising enough 17 and 1800s. Most obvious was the family owned shop and they were expected to help with the daily running of the business. Through this experience she acquired many skills such as bookkeeping, sales and even exporting. This created in in environment in which the woman was out in society and exposed to the men's world. Compared to working in the home and maybe getting an education through a seminary.
This magnificent man was our first president. He was the first born child of his mother but not his father. His father was Augustine Washington, but had two other boys and one girl with his former wife Jane Butler who died in 1730. Augustine remarried Mary Ball in 1731 and on February 22, 1732 they had George Washington. In 1743 Augustine died and left Mary to take care of all the children they had together and the children he had with Jane. He had a total of ten children. George was only eleven when his father died and had to look up to his older half brother Lawrence for guidance. Lawrence tutored and tried to give George as much of an education he could. George was excited and ambitious to start
Once in awhile, you may eat Peanut butter and jelly or use almond lotion on your skin. But do you know the history of it? George Washington Carver had filled a big gap in your everyday life using crops and other renewable resources. It took hard work and dedication to achieve goals like making building materials out of peanuts. Still today he is remembered and thought as a hard core thinker. The Ib learner profile trait for George is Washington carver was a born into slavery in 1861. He was kidnapped before 1 but his mother had made a successful escape taking young Carver with her. George Washington was a hard worker growing up, trying to make money anyway possible for his only-mother and brother to survive. He was known to have the green thumb in his childhood, because he could help and cure just about any plant that had trouble or that was on it’s last stem.
In 1894 Martha was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (Pratt 8). She was the daughter of Jane Beers and George Graham. Her father was a well-known physician who treated mental disorders. After living in Pennsylvania for 12 years, she and her family moved to Santa Barbara,
British history from 1600 to 1650 wasn’t the best time of history for british people. Britain had a society from 1600 to 1650. From 1600 to 1650 Britain’s government had kings, queens, laws and punishments for outlaws. Britain also had wars religiously, politically and militarily during that time too.
As a matter of fact, Martha Washington did many things in her lifetime. Before her husband was chosen to be the president, she was in a group called the Daughters of Liberty, which is a group that signifies the formal women Patriot association
My name is George Washington and I am the first United State president and a general (1732-1799). I George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution, and later became the first president of the United States; I was serving from 1789 to 1797. Then on December 14 I died, 1799, in Mount Vernon, Virginia. I used to study at home I was homing schooled and studied with the local church sexton and later a schoolmaster in practical math, geography, Latin and the English classics. But much of the knowledge I use the rest of my life through my acquaintance with backwoodsmen and the plantation foreman. By my early teens, I had mastered growing tobacco,
George Washington was the first president of the United States. When he was younger he led the continental army. He had no children in his life. He was married but had no children of his own but had 2 stepchildren. He was married to his wife named Martha Dandridge Washington.
If I could meet an American of the historical time period, I would meet George Washington Carver. George Washington Carver was a world-famous chemist who discovered and invented. George Washington Carver preform multiple researches on different foods such as peanuts, sweet potatoes, and other products that in the end helped the less fortunate southern farmers grow their crops, and help them develop a heather diet. George Washington was born a slave in Missouri. Due to the passing of his parents George was raised by his former Masters. If I had to pick out an accomplishment of George Washington Carver, I would choose the time he was rejected by Highland College in Highland, Kan due to the fact he was black, instead of him giving up. Instead
George Washington is seen, to the general public, as a larger than life figure. As a society, Americans have a tendency to view him as a legend, even to the point of creating stories that tell us false stories about his childhood and adulthood. Myths are taught to us from a young age about how the very first president had wooden teeth, and that he was somehow so pure that he could not tell a lie, and that he had such magnificent upper body strength that he threw a silver dollar across the Pontiac. George Washington was both an experienced military leader and a strong political leader, but in which field did he have the most impact?