
How Did Martin Luther King Change The World

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Martin Luther King Jr is a world changer. King changed all lives regardless of skin tone, brought everyone together in schools and jobs, racism no longers exists, thanks to Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King Jr was also known as the world’s greatest hero to everyone. King had a mindset to change the world and make things better than before. King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta Georgia and at five years old he entered public schools. The racism going on back when King was younger had him to attempt to commit suicide by jumping out the window of his family home because of the tension going on in America and it was affecting his family. King parents both being pastors had influenced him to be the best he can be and it paid off because he is very intelligent, brilliant, brave, and magnificent. King had seen all the hate going and he tried to see the good in the people that tried to hurt him and call him negative names. Everybody was beautiful and good people in king point of view. King had a big heart for the blacks and the whites. King and his people were having problems with finding jobs and having freedom so they had a brilliant idea to bring everybody together and make things equal. The greatest helper there was in Washington D.C was Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. King and his people had come up with extraordinary plan to march for freedom and jobs on August 28, 1963. The march was such a big success that it brought over 200,000 to 300,000 people together. The

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