Without a doubt, Martin Luther King Junior was and is an important figure of our time. Martin Luther spent his life as a non-violent fighter for African American rights. (McGill 1). King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Throughout his childhood he had doubts about his religion, even though he came from a long line of pastors. Martin did well in school, he was an A average student, senior class president, and was given the “Most Outstanding Student” award. He attended Booker T. Washington High School, where he was also held the position of quarter back of the school’s football team. Then, in 1945 he enrolled in Atlanta’s Morehosue College at the age of only 15 years old because he skipped 11th and 12th grade. Then, in 1951 he attended Boston University until 1955. After college he became a Baptist minister and civil right activist. (Important Dates of MLK 44). Martin Luther King Junior had a large impact on race relations in the United States. King executed many ideas to try to ensure the same equal rights for African Americans as white people. King participated in many sit-ins, mass meetings, and boycotts. He also attended …show more content…
For instance, King was arrested numerous times for participating in sit-ins and boycotts. (Important Dates of MLK 48). Also, while at a mass meeting, his home was bombed on January 30, 1956 but luckily no one was injured. (Important Dates of MLK 46). Then on September 20, 1958 Martin Luther King Junior was stabbed at a book signing by Izola Ware Curry, but survived. Then, the worst happened on April 4, 1968 at 6:00 PM, King was shot by James Earl Ray, on the balcony of room 306 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee where he was staying. He was then rushed to St. Joseph Hospital, where he died. (Important Dates of MLK 54). James Earl Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for the murder of Martin Luther King Junior. (Stein
Growing up Martin Luther King. Jr had a happy middle class life, but even with all of this he still noticed social problems. His father was a respected preacher, his mother was a college-educated musician, and his grandmother, who lived with them, was extremely fond of him. He was also close to his older sister and younger brother, who started college at fifteen.
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929 and was the son of one of the most important Baptist ministers in the South. King grew up in a middle class home and was surrounded by love. At the age of 15, he passed the entrance exam to Morehouse university and furthered his education by receiving his Ph.D. in theology. King followed in his dad and grandfather’s footsteps and wanted to become a local pastor and took his first job at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy made the most sense for 1960’s America because of his views on integrating schools, nonviolent civil disobedience and the way he was able to communicate to the people of his time.
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was born Michael Luther King Jr. he was the second child of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr and Alberta Williams King. Growing up, he attended Booker T. Washington High School. He skipped the ninth and the twelfth grade. He went to Morehouse College at the age of 15 without graduating from high school. Later, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. He became a minister at the age of 18. He was ordained in his father’s church. He later married Coretta Scott and they had two sons and two daughters. Martin Luther king lived a rough journey.
Martin Luther King jr was born on January 15, 1929. He was an African American who who loved school. He attended Booker T. Washington where he skipped senior year because he was so smart and went to Morehouse College where he graduated with with a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. Martin Luther King jr is a influential advocate of the civil right movement through his actions including peaceful protest, Boycotts and Speeches to inspire people. Martin King Jr impacted civil rights through peaceful protests.
Martin Luther King Junior was one of the most influential and important people of the 1900’s. He was a baptist minister, and went to college at age fifteen and became a doctor of theology. When he became a minister he lived in Montgomery Alabama with his wife coretta Scott and his four children. He also believed in nonviolence and was a pacifist. He did lots of different things to help the african americans, like the montgomery bus boycott.
In a dark world, a time full of hate, hurt, and segregation, a man stood out against those injustices, Martin Luther King Jr.. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very strong activist in the civil rights movement. King was a pioneer of the “no violence” and “no harm” era of protesting. He became a leader for African Americans and whites who opposed the idea of segregation. These people wanted change, they stood together as brothers and as Americans, all led by the great qualities of Martin Luther King Jr.. On the road to civil rights, King had many quotes that had given people hope, trust, and faith and many are still used today.
One reason i think martin luther king had an impact on the world is because of his speech. He is the reason why blacks and whites do things together now days. Hes why we don't treat black people like slaves. He had the dream of being accepted for who he is. He was tired of people being mean to him. He didn't like that he had to do different things because of the color he was. He didn't want his kids to grow up being treated unfairly because they are black. It wasn't there fault they were the color they are.
Not everyone is born a leader. Some are pushed into it due to unfortunate circumstances, while others step up to the plate in order to make a radical transformation. It takes a true leader to be able to surmount obstacles that seem to transcend his or her strength in order to bring about change to his or her community. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those leaders. He was undoubtedly the leading Civil Rights leader during his time, inspiring African Americans all across the country to fight their way through white oppression using non-violent means.
To begin, Martin Luther King Jr.s early life was filled with excitement and a sad tragedy, that people may not have known happened. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia and was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. This was the birth of someone who will make a change and not just for himself, but for everyone. Martin Luther King Jr. was about twelve years old when he attempted suicide by jumping out a two story window. He attempted suicide because his grandmother had recently passed away due to a heart attack(Martin Luther King Jr.). Martin also earned his bachelor of divinity degree in
Martin Luther King Jr. was a peaceful civil rights activist that fought against segregation and racism. To honor his courage and accomplishments I will fight racism.
Martin Luther King was a great man and a brilliant leader. He was born on January 15, 1929. He Married Coretta Scott in 1953 and had four children. On October 14, 1964, Dr. King received a Nobel Peace prize for his great contributions in the peaceful fight for civil rights. At the age of 35 he is the youngest to receive a Nobel Peace Award. He died at the age of 39. He never deserved his assassination on April 4, 1968, as the “bullet entered through his right cheek, breaking his jaw, neck and several vertebrae as it travelled down his spinal cord, severing the jugular vein and major arteries in the process before lodging in his shoulder.” (Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 9) He truly inspired the hearts of many brave men and women no matter what color or religion you are and the way he brought the souls of people to try whatever is required to receive what they believe in was phenomenal. Until the day that I lay on my deathbed to the sound of David’s horn, I will doing everything I can to live out the dream of Martin Luther King “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
Martin Luther King Jr. was very important during the times where African Americans were not being treated equally and being discriminated. He fought for what was right without using violence. He spread his massages throughout the world. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, activist decided to set up a boycott. This became known as the Montgomery bus boycott. King was chosen to be the protest’s leader and spokesperson. About a
Martin Luther King Junior was born January 15, 1929. He was born to Alberta Williams King and Martin Luther King Senior in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin was born into a middle-class family and lived in Auburn Avenue which was fondly named "Sweet Auburn". Auburn was home to some of the most new and successful black businesses and churches before the civil rights movement. Martin thought he lived in a warm and welcoming community, but that thought was quickly proven wrong when he realized the truth. Despite living in such a nice community there was still prejudice against blacks and anyone of color. His first experience with prejudice was when his white playmate said he couldn't play with Martin because they'd be going to segregated schools and because of Martin's skin color. At the mere age of six Martin realized that people were not truly equal. Martin continued segregated school with little to no trouble until his Grandmother passed. In Martin's home family was to be kept close, so this was a major shock to Martin that shook him. This was such a shock
Furthermore, I would like to begin by providing a general but brief synopsis on behalf of Martin Luther King’s life. Martin Luther King also known as “MLK” was born in January 29, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up as a preacher’s kid and eventually gained a more heightened interest in theology as he matured. The King family attended Ebenezer Baptist Church where they upheld their Christian Faith. Do to his religious upbringing he went on to attend Crozer Theological Seminary after obtaining a bachelors degree at Morehouse College.
Martin Luther King was a man with many big dreams and aspirations. His life mission was to enforce equality and make the world a better place. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed with his message, and one person in particular had no tolerance for what Martin Luther King was preaching and decided to end his life. This man was James Earl Ray. Although Martin never got a chance to see his dreams come true in full, the sacrifice he made greatly impacted the world today, and he would be very proud. There is nothing that can be done to change what happened to Martin but it would be interesting to analyze some information about the before and after aspects of his life to get a better understanding of what took place during this time period.