
Martin Luther King Jr., Adolf Hitler, And Steve Jobs

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A word is simply a element of speech and writing. People use words in many different ways, for instance; conversation, announcements, reassurance, disruption, and inspiration. The power that a word has is up to the person who says it. Some of the most powerful people in the world are also some of the best speakers. Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, and Steve Jobs are very different people who have one thing in common, they know how to use their words to make a change. In a time of need, a good speech is what could be a turning point for a movement.
The 1960’s were a hard time in American history. Segregation was an extreme problem where white people were treated completely different from colored people. Everything was segregated from schools, to restrooms, to drinking fountains. The uprise of colored people who just wanted equality was populating, but they had no inspiration for change. Martin Luther King Jr. knew this, and he took it upon himself to start a movement. He began Marches, Gatherings, Sit-ins, and Speeches. These events got people together and King began to start to make a real change. When King was conducting his world famous “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial, he stated “It will be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of …show more content…

King had four children that he mentioned in his “I Have a Dream” speech so that other parents in the audience could connect with him. In front of 250,000 people, in one of the most famous quotes ever, Martin Luther King inspired the world when he said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. (263, King). Using his children as symbols for the future shifted the minds of many Americans and caused impeccable

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