
Martin Luther King What Makes A Good Leader

Decent Essays

There are some people who just have the drive to be better than others. Many qualities make up a good leader but a certain few stick out to me. A good leader should have a lot of courage to start with, they should be inspiring to other people,finally they should be good business people and give a lot to others. Courage is a strong trait in a leader. Anne Frank had a lot of courage, out of all the bad things that happened to her and how unfortunate she was she still maintained an optimistic spirit. She also influenced other people to endure their difficulties. Rosa Parks was a well known civil rights leader and it took a lot of courage from her to stand up for what she believed in and go against what the whites had to say. She would not give up her seat on a bus to a white man which was a very courageous thing to do even though it got her in trouble. Another woman with a lot of courage was Amelia Earhart. She was the first female to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. While she was determined and set out to be the first female to circumnavigate the world, she disappeared mysteriously. There are many more men and women who have a lot of courage but these are the three that stand out to me. …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of a non-violent civil rights movement. He inspired millions of people for a more equal and just society. Nelson Mandela was the first president of democratic South Africa. Mandela helped heal the wounds of his country with his attitude toward his former political enemies. George Washington was the first president of the United States and inspired more people to become president. His vision has endured for more than two hundred years. These three men are just a few of the very inspiring people around the

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