
Martin Luther Trial Research Paper

Decent Essays

Reading Response #1 The Trial of Martin Luther

If it were not for martian Luther we would not have religious freedom in the United States today.

In the early 1500's, Martian Luther lived a life that troubled him. Even though he was a monk in the Roman Orthodox Church he questioned whether or not he was actually saved. This Question haunted Luther most his life. As if to find an answer, Luther got a doctorate in Biblical studies at the Wittenberg University. Through his studies, he found the theology of Paul and his belief in the forgiveness of sins. This belief was made impossible through the Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church, being the only real church of its time, told the common people that the only way to have remission of sins was through penance (penance was a voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong.) or through indulgences (An indulgence was a remission of temporal punishment after a confessor revealed sin, expressed contrition, and made the required contribution to the Church)(PF 2). …show more content…

Luther had a fare trial in the sense that there was no fowl play and he was able to have a proper hearing. Martin Luther's trial was also considered just under the current empires law. The ruling in the Martin Luther vs. the Catholic Church did not provide justice in the since that the Catholic Church still deceived the common people by selling indulgences to raise funds for construction of St. Peter's church in Rome. The Catholic Church was charging a fee to forgive sins when Christ accomplished this price on the cross for free. Pope Leo should have been tried for attempted murder because he sent men to kill Luther before his trial at the Diet of Worms. In addition, Luther himself should feel that the trial was fair because his life was saved in court and he was able to obtain religious freedom in his home

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