
Martin Luther's Views On Judgment And Repentance Story

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Just one more year. If it doesn’t bear fruit in a year, well then cut it down and replace it. But maybe this tree can be salvaged. After all, if this is a mature tree, just a little work might induce fruit. The gardener suggests that if he were to dig around the tree and put down some manure, it might come right back. Besides, if you plant a new tree it will take time before it’s ready to bear fruit. The owner relents and gives the gardener time to tend to the tree in the hope that fruit can be experienced!
This is a repentance story. This is a grace filled message. It is the story of a second chance. Judgment is still in the picture, but so is mercy and grace. Mercy without accountability is a bit worthless in the long run. So, maybe certain …show more content…

The goal of repentance is not the end, rather as Matin Luther says in the small catechism, repentance means a new self should arise to serve him. Gospel writer Luke when he talks about repentance he is not talking about the guilt, fear, sorrow, self hatred, he is talking about joy, confidence, new relationships, fresh starts to become God’s instruments of redeeming love.
Wherever you are on this Lenten journey and whatever you may be hearing in these texts, God wants us to be fruitful. He wants us to accept the invitation for a free banquet. God affirms to make us witnesses, leaders, commanders and followers so that he is glorified through our actions.
When and where God has invited us to a closer walk? Does this invitation to eat, drink without cost appeal to us?
How can we renew our relationship with him?
Please give me one more year? We really didn’t know what happened to the fig tree in the parable, but what do we want to do different if we are given one more year to bear fruit?
Are we willing to share our gifts? Are we ready to witness, to serve, to love, to forgive, to accept, to grow, and to multiply? If our answer is yes, what are we waiting for? Le us return to the Lord our God, for he is gracious and merciful , slow to anger, and abounding in love.
May the peace of the Lord be with

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