There are a vast amount of inventors that do numerous things in the world that make the everyday things that we have today. Some people just never stop to think about who invented this everyday product. I can’t tell about all of the inventors, but I can tell you about one that made a product that we use everyday. Martin “Marty” Cooper made the first mobile phone, even though, the bulky, gray 2-pound box design didn’t make a fashion statement. It did make phone calls. Martin “Marty” Cooper had an eventful life ever since his on December 26, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. In 1950, he graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. He joined the army and fought in the Korean War. …show more content…
One of the things that he did is that he patented and worked on making the first radio-controlled traffic-light system. In 1967, he also made the first handheld police radios. These two inventions made cities safer by reducing the amount of car crashes and casualties. Another great invention that he made to help the world safer was wireless phones. The wireless phones were first introduced in 1972-73. Even though, there were a couple of weaknesses on the wireless phones. First, was that the phone only had 11 or 12 channels and couldn’t be used in some areas. Second, was that they needed a lot of energy, so they had to be ran off your car’s battery. Therefore, it wasn’t really a wireless phone it was actually a car …show more content…
His hypothesis would be correct, since businesses are making the world technologically advanced everyday. The technology today is widespread and is used all the time in everyday life. According to Anjarwalla, during the time when Cooper made the first cell phone, there were no large-scale integrated circuits, no computers, and no LCD screens. In an interview, Cooper said, “I must tell you as much as we are dreamers, we never imagined that all these things could be combined into one, and I’m really not so sure that it’s a great thing. Phones have gotten so complicated, so hard to use, that you wonder if this is designed for real people or engineers.” This statement is true because phones are getting more and more high tech, to the point that they focus more on the younger generation. Thus, Cooper’s wife made the Jitterbug, which is just a simple telephone for the elderly. In conclusion, Martin “Marty” Cooper did a lot to make the world as we know it today. He is also one of the key people who started the technological innovation. His technological innovation, the cell phone, is widely used by everyone. The cell phones are used by young and old people and has made the world a safer place. It is a great achievement that Mr. Cooper could make the world a safe and happy place for
In the mid-1890s, Tom Anderson was a man on the rise in New Orleans. Tom Anderson already established himself as a clever businessman involved in different ventures around town. Anderson considered doing the inevitable- going into politics. Entering into politics in New Orleans was the key to great prosperity. Tom Anderson made himself useful to the neighborhood, helping out at brothels, friends with the police, and a bookkeeper at the Insurance Oil Company. Moreover, Tom Anderson made connections in significant places of power in New Orleans. In addition, Tom Anderson created a restaurant with private rooms where deals and payoffs could be made. Also, in the early 1880s, Anderson and his friend Frank Lamothe began sponsoring Mardi gras which
Jerry Harvey was born in 1961[2] and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. His first break in the music business occurred in 1980, when the Gland Slam Superjam rock tour starring April Wine, Judas Priest, and Sammy Hagar was performing at the St. Louis Busch Stadium. While Harvey was tinkering on his 1978 red Pontiac Trans Am, Hagar's people approached him on the street and asked to borrow his car in exchange for free tickets. They then used Harvey's car to drive on stage during Hagar's anthem "Trans Am (Highway Wonderland)."[1]
Charles D. Martin is a 61-year-old teacher at the school of J.P.Knapp. He was born in 1956 in Columbia, SC to Charlotte and Ray Martin as an only child. His earliest childhood experience was in pre-school when he and another little girl threw apple cores into the toilet of there daycare and clogged it and ended up in trouble. As Charles grew up he got a job as a food writer. As a food writer, he got to write about food and get paid for it and he did this for about 10 years. As a food writer, he was nominated for three awards the James Beard Awards, though he never actually won he was happy he was nominated. Charles was able to travel as well, his favorite restaurant is El Butli in Spain, which was sadly closed down. Charles favorite place in
Cooper Myles (1736/7–1785) is an American Loyalist, and the Bishop of Canterbury for the Anglican church before the revolutionary war.Born in Furness, Lancashire son of William Cooper andEliz ibeh and was baptized 19 February in Cumberland County England. In 1753 he graduated entered after 7 years he got an M.A. Teaching in gent. After went on to trained to be a minister he was ordained as an Anglican priest during this time he wrote Poems on Several Occasions celebrating life as not needing self rejection from religious folk who experience tragedies. Son after he was elected Archbishop of CAnterbury and remains to be the youngest person to be elected Archbishop of Canterbury.
Clark Terry was born in St. Louis, Missouri on December 14th, 1920; he was the seventh out of eleven children. He was a classic freelance musician, his career spans more than 70 years. During this time he created a name for himself that will forever cement him along with the legends like Duke Ellington and Miles Davis. Mr. Clark was a man of many talents and during his time on this earth he was became a world-class trumpeter, flugelhornist, educator, composer, writer, trumpet/flugelhorn designer, teacher and even an NEA Jazz Master; He made flugelhorn what it is today he is responsible for its popularity. Another thing that Clark Terry is noted for is his association with relationship with Duke Ellington’s orchestra and Count Basie; he is
Sterling Allen Brown was born on May 1, 1901 in Washington, DC. He is the sixth child of Adelaide Allen and her husband Sterling Nelson Brown. He graduated as the valedictorian from Dunbar High School in 1918. Growing up, he followed the footsteps of his father which led him to attending Williams College on a scholarship where he studied French and English literature and graduated cum laude with a Phi Beta Kappa award in 1922. Also, he won the graves prize for an essay on Moliere and Shakespeare. As he continued on his academic journey he attended Harvard University where he received his master’s degree in English. As a professor, Brown taught at Virginia Seminary in Lynchburg, Lincoln University in Missouri and Fisk University in Nashville.
On November 24, 1971 a man calling himself Dan cooper purchased a one way ticket from Portland to Seattle and boarded Northwest Airlines flight 305. He was wearing a dark suit with black tie, while in the air Cooper passed a note to the flight attendant stating that he had a bomb and he hijacked the plan. Cooper demanded $200,000 cash and two parachutes upon landing in Seattle. Cooper released all the passengers and the flight attendants, and all who remained were the pilot, co-pilot, the flight engineer and one flight attendant. After they took off from Seattle, he ordered them to fly to Mexico at 200 miles per hour at an altitude of 10,000 feet. Shortly after 45minutes for the takeoff, he ordered the flight crew to stay in the
Bob is a male nickname or occasionally a given name, most common in English speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. It most likely originated from the nickname Rob, short for Robert. Rhyming names were popular in the Middle Ages, so Richard became Rick, Hick, or Dick, William became Will or Bill, and Robert became Rob, Hob, Dob, Nob, or Bob.[1][2]
First, the young god created a machine that people could use as a medium to talk to each other over long distances. He called it a telephone, and marketed the invention as that of an innovator named Alexander Graham Bell. Next, he created a television before manufacturing a computer, a cellular phone, and many more devices. Perhaps his greatest innovation, however, was that of the internet, a linking connection between all devices that contained
One of the many scientific discoveries that have influenced today’s society is the invention of the cell phone. In 1876 an older male with the name of Alexander
Alexander Graham Bell was a phenomenal inventor, he invented the telephone because he wanted something better than a telegraph that only sent two telegrams at once. He hypothesized different methods until he discovered a reed did the job. Bell also invented a metal detector, a breathing machine, and an audiometer. He always had the interests of other people in his inventions. He created the breathing machine to help people with breathing problems and the audiometer for those who had hearing problems. Bell was very companionate about helping people with hearing problems. He said that all his inventions could not compare towards his work he had done in Boston School for the Deaf. Bell believed that everyone should keep fighting through their
The telephone, being one of the most used devices of the modern world by millions of people, has revolutionized since the first of its kind. Alexander Graham Bell is an inventor from Scotland, which has a very significant contribution, for the invention of the first telephone. Not only was he an inventor, he also had various occupations that include being a scientist and an educator. It wasn’t easy to invent a machine that would transmit sound to another device. It also wasn’t easy to achieve all those patents but fortunately, Bell was able to receive all necessary patents to create his famous invention, the telephone. The famous telephone wasn’t created just for fun; it had a purpose in which Bell saw that it would be useful to whoever used it. Bell had a long life and achieved many things throughout it.
This first cell phone call caused a fundamental technology and communications market shift toward the person and away from the place. It also created another vision for Martin Cooper. His vision was for personal wireless communications. "People want to talk to other people - not a house, or an office, or a car. Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire. It is that freedom we sought to vividly demonstrate in 1973," he said.
Technology has, since the primitive years, always been used to invent tools in order to solve problems. This would, in turn, simplify and make man’s life easier. Through advancements in the field, man has become more efficient on both the macro- and microscopic level. Anything nowadays can be attained with either the flip of a switch or a click of a mouse. One particular technology that came about in this time was the smartphone. Since 2008, the smartphone, a device that combines a normal cell phone with a computer, typically offering Internet access, data storage, e-mail capability, etc. all in your hand was deemed as ground-breaking technology and created one of the largest and most competitive market in terms of
In a world like we have today think of something you use everyday and is always by your side. if you were thinking of a pager than you obviously live in a cave. The item that comes across my mind is the mobile phone. It's the one piece of technology that most of the world's population uses on a daily basis. The mobile phone has changed the lives of billions of people due to the immense amount of things it can do but also how it changed the way communicate and live today.