
Marx Evil

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As a rule, evil is not a universal concept. Someone who you consider evil probably doesn’t consider themselves evil. As another rule, inanimate objects cannot be evil. A potted plant you trip over is not evil because the potted plant did not purposely harm you for the sake of harming you. Both of these reasons prevent money from being evil.

I feel like this is slightly misleading. Putting it right after a question about money being evil totally doesn’t imply that Marx hated the profit itself. As a rule, questions for civilization discussions should not be designed to make a point. From my understanding of Marx, Marx was against the concept of profit, not money. I’m going to unpack this question slowly. In some cases, workers do agree …show more content…

During this time, we experienced some of the worst poverty rates ever and massive unemployment rates. Wealth Inequality during the Roaring Twenties was so high that the top one-tenth of 1% had almost as much as 25% of the total wealth. If the top 0.1% is gaining a percentage of the wealth, that means the 99.99% was losing their share of the wealth. Interestingly, the top 1% also got much richer right before the 2007 crash. There are many theories on why massive inequalities cause recessions, so I will only run through a few of them. Rich people need to spend a smaller percentage of their wealth than poor people to stay alive so when the rich have too much money, there isn’t enough money in the economy. When society gets richer, so do the products society wants to by. This makes the upper class richer because they are gaining more money from their businesses, but the lower and middle class now need to spend more. This leads to them borrowing more and more money. I hope I do not have to explain why this is bad. Since the rich are getting richer, they end up investing more and more, this leads to a bubble which will eventually

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