As a rule, evil is not a universal concept. Someone who you consider evil probably doesn’t consider themselves evil. As another rule, inanimate objects cannot be evil. A potted plant you trip over is not evil because the potted plant did not purposely harm you for the sake of harming you. Both of these reasons prevent money from being evil.
I feel like this is slightly misleading. Putting it right after a question about money being evil totally doesn’t imply that Marx hated the profit itself. As a rule, questions for civilization discussions should not be designed to make a point. From my understanding of Marx, Marx was against the concept of profit, not money. I’m going to unpack this question slowly. In some cases, workers do agree
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During this time, we experienced some of the worst poverty rates ever and massive unemployment rates. Wealth Inequality during the Roaring Twenties was so high that the top one-tenth of 1% had almost as much as 25% of the total wealth. If the top 0.1% is gaining a percentage of the wealth, that means the 99.99% was losing their share of the wealth. Interestingly, the top 1% also got much richer right before the 2007 crash. There are many theories on why massive inequalities cause recessions, so I will only run through a few of them. Rich people need to spend a smaller percentage of their wealth than poor people to stay alive so when the rich have too much money, there isn’t enough money in the economy. When society gets richer, so do the products society wants to by. This makes the upper class richer because they are gaining more money from their businesses, but the lower and middle class now need to spend more. This leads to them borrowing more and more money. I hope I do not have to explain why this is bad. Since the rich are getting richer, they end up investing more and more, this leads to a bubble which will eventually
In the 1929 and 1940 The Great Depression in history millions of people were out of work or they will soon to be out of one. It didn’t matter if you were Black , White HIspanic or Asian you will still would be unemployment even if you were really rich. Everything was crashing down there wasn’t jobs for people. Many banks failed then markets did as well.
As people became unemployed, the economy suffered because these workers were unable to purchase things. For example, Document 4 shows that at the beginning of 1933, the US employment percentage was above a quarter of the population, and from 1931 to 1940 the unemployment percentage was in the double digits. These large unemployment percentages had a devastating effect on companies who were trying to sell their products to consumers who are always a major driver of the economy. High unemployment along with the stock market crash were a few of the main causes of the Great
The Great Depression remains to be the worst economic slump ever in American history and one which spread practically all over the industrialized world. The Depression bombarded in late 1929 and lasted nearly a decade. Many factors elemented the depth of the widespread prosperity. However, combined, the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's and the extensive stock market speculation that took place during the latter part that same decade remain the key of all elements.
When I think of the concept of “evil,” I think of The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius. In The Consolation of Philosophy, Lady Philosophy stated:
From 1860- 1900, the wealthiest 2% of American households owned more than a third of the nations money. But the top 10% owned almost the other three fourths. According to Howard Zinn, the wealth gap started issues of working and living conditions for the working class. There was hope though, from 1870 to 1880 the average annual incomes rose $20, from 1870-1900, there was a gain of 53%! In a recent poll in 2007, the top 1% is earning roughly 24% of all the income. This shows an upward trend that is probably still going on today in 2015. In 2008, during the recovery time of the recession US had, the distribution of money was really thrown off but then as the economy got better, so did the amount the top 1% received. It rose consistently 5 years in a row which each time it increases, it widens the wealth gap. According to a study done by the American Sociological Review, the effects on the other end of the classes have been struggling and businesses are now figuring that they have a higher level of immigrated, less educated employees. Also for all parents, they see that the amount that earn and die with is going to show the progression of their offspring and how they are going to do. Most of the richest people of the world all have something to do with electronics and some technological
The reason that we even have an experience of a perceived evil is because for the soul to experience itself as any particular thing, the exact opposite of that thing must come into the realm of existence. In other words, in this relative existence, hot cannot be hot without cold, darkness cannot be without light, and you cannot be you without that which is not you. So I believe that what we call evil is just the opposite end of the spectrum of good, not something separate.
The most influential definition of evil is nicely summarised by Swinburne proclaimed when discussing about evil, context is very important factors to consider when talking about the subject of evil he said evil include physical pain, for
Important point: Evil does not mean God does NOT exist, but only implies that God’s probably has a lesser chance of existing.
William Graham Sumner is a social Darwinist who claimed that people who work hard are rich, while people who do not work as hard are poor. In his article of “What the Social Classes Owe Each Other,” he discusses the distinction between the lower and upper class. The upper class consists of all the determined hard workers, while the lower class consists of lazy workers. He believed that every man is given a chance to work for their success, but not everyone is able to grasp their opportunity and most end up in the lower class. In this sense, we should not help the poor. If the rich were to help the poor, it would discourage them from working harder and therefore they would not be working to their full potential. The poor would also become
Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is,
By definition, evil is an act or feeling that is “profoundly immoral and malevolent”. The problem is that evil is a subjective term. Each person sees evil differently.
Evil doesn 't necessarily have to be an action by a human; it can also be a result of a natural disaster such as: hurricanes, earthquakes, illness, etc. A hurricane can take away everything from thousands of humans. This causes the people to have no home, clothes, or food. This is also a form of evil, due to the suffering it causes. This is called natural evil. People can bring about moral evil upon themselves, although, they rarely can bring natural evil upon themselves. There is a distinct difference between the two, and one evil does not cause the other. The reason I point the
Looking at history, it is clear to see that a pattern of financial decline has struck nearly every generation, harming the middle class and benefiting the executive class. In the 1930’s, the infamous “Great Depression” swept the world as the worst economic disaster in history, leaving millions unemployed and homeless with no food and several children to feed. Beginning in the
To understand evil we must first understand the concept that good and evil are term or words referring to what one given individuals believes to be the right and wrong thing to do. Good, many times
So, what is evil? Is it Hitler's near annihilation of the Jewish people during World War II or the senseless massacre at Ti'enneman Square on mainland China? Again we turn to Webster's dictionary, which states evil as causing distress or harm, a source of sorrow, and the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing. (Merriam-Webster) Evil would be any intention to cause an undesirable effect upon one's self or on another person. So by saying that the intentions of a person are not to cause good we automatically assume that they are out to cause evil.