
Marx's Conflict And Social Conflict Theory In Hong Kong

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1. Introduction Marx’s Conflict theory Karl Marx ‘s conflict theory focused on the class conflict (bourgeoisie and proletariat). The rising of capitalism in the society which cause economic, social, and political significant. Marx stated that the more powerful minority class oppresses the majority class and created class conflict. As the interests of the two were at odds, the resources were inequitable distributed among the two classes. Moreover, the inequitable social order was developed; values, expectations and conditions were determined by the more powerful minority class, i.e. the capitalists (Collins & Sanderson, 2008). Marx stated that the superstructure is composed of social institutions, political structures, and culture. The produced …show more content…

The benefits of economic and social resources are taken by the more powerful capitalists. The less power elite are more likely to become labeled as deviant. However, the capitalists can have the resources to resist such deviant labels (Otteson, 2011). . 2. Social conflict and substance abuse Social conflict theory can be applied to analyst why there are more substance abusers found in lower social classes and low-income youngsters. In Hong Kong, it is commonly known that the unskilled and low education individuals prone to poverty. Youngsters in this lower class are under pressure and being marginally ignored. They are prone to have substance abuses and even becoming a drug dealer to escape form the grinding poverty. Goode (1997) used the conflict theory to analyst two kinds of drug abusers. He stated that most illicit drug users are occasional and recreational, they claim drug taking as a risk-taking behavior. However, the other type of drug abusers are in chronic and with heavy drug taking. They are clinically addicted and suffering harm (Goode, 1997). Such abusers prone to be economically marginal, feeling hopeless and

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