
Mary Franke's 3 Reasons Why Technology Is Good For Society

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Technology dependency or technology addiction may sound made up, but it is actually as real as alcoholism, or an addiction to meth. There are some great things that come with modern technology. Such as staying connected to anybody anywhere any time of the day. Social media is connecting people to other people that otherwise would probably never talk. The internet has an incredible amount of information and its always available at the tip of ones fingers. Any research that is needed to be done can be done using a website such as Google. Is this actually a good thing? Does this actually create problems in the long run and create an addiction? We live in a very technology involved era, is it creating a bunch of introverts that do not know how to act in society, or bringing people closer to others? …show more content…

“These changes stretch across the board from industry, to the way we communicate, to the clothes we wear. One aspect that seems to be changing the most rapidly and often influences other types of change is technology” (Franke 2013, para. 1). One way it is good for society is that it connects us. We can share any event from our past or what is going on in the present. Skype and other communication tools like that are great ways to stay connected with people that are not in the room with you, and can stretch all around the world. Two, it conserves energy and produces more goods. “Technology allows us to find creative alternatives and innovations to using nonrenewable and costly resources. From hybrid vehicles to energy efficient light bulbs, there are ways to save everywhere. One machine can do today in minutes what in years past would have taken days to accomplish” (Franke 2013, para. 3). Finally technology saves lives. It has helped advance medicine and all the medical fields likewise. Calling emergency services is easier than

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