
Mary In The Magic By Malcain

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I noticed that Mary was the female equivalent of Colin in the beginning of the novel; both were sour, neglected by their parents, thought too highly of themselves and lacked social skills, but Mary mellowed and became a child, just as Colin had. They both had no hope in the beginning, Colin thought he was going to die just because others said he would, and Mary had no hope in becoming kinder because everyone else never thought she could. I think the reason Mary got so annoyed of Colin when she met him was the fact that she saw herself, although she was too young to realize that, or maybe too embarrassed to admit it.
I also noticed that self-contemplation is very difficult, especially for a child.
Many adults do not even reflect on themselves as a person, but somehow Mary and Colin did this, and strived to make themselves better than before. Mary began to notice her own flaws, and actually …show more content…

I researched this a little, and many think that by ‘The Magic’ Colin meant Christian Science Theology.
However, it could as well be because Colin was a child and many children believe in magic.
I noticed that this book points out a lot about independance. Mary had servants cater to her every demand until she was 10 years old, and after that, she was so used to it that she couldn’t even dress herself. Only through doing things for herself was Mary able to learn, not the other way around.
I wondered if ‘The Secret Garden’ was inspired by another garden, perhaps one in the author’s own personal life, or another historical garden, or if the author just came up with every detail in their mind. I researched this, and found that it was, in fact, inspired by the garden in which Frances Hodgson Burnett lived in during her marriage. I also found that Colin may have been inspired from Burnett’s own late son, who died young.

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