
Mary Mallon's Trail Of Typhoid

Decent Essays

Introduction American history supported my interpretation of the theme because a passage is something that has a lesson to at the end or you receive something at the end, that is exactly what happened in american history. The main character Elena received sadness at the end because she liked a boy but he could not date her at the end, the lesson was about racism. In since feeling is first it was about life and death. In Mary Mallon’s trail of typhoid it was about the truth at the end. In oranges, it was about the boys first time him walking with a girl and how it turned out at the end. The first appendectomy was how risks can be taken because one little mess up on Mr. Polansky and he could have been dead. For the final short story it is how …show more content…

This story regards a boys first date and relationship. The boy was only 12 years old and went to go pick up his date so they can go get candy from the drug store. The boy told the girl that the candy was on him so when they got there, the boy asked what she wanted and she said chocolate. The problem was that the boy only had a nickel because he was not the richest and the chocolate was a dime. But in the end everything went well because the boy was able to sort thing out with the cashier. So what makes this story so special is because it was the story of a 12 year old’s first …show more content…

His mom and him went to the beach for vacation and Jerry went to this rocky wild looking beach to be away from his mom to act independent where his mom is at the regular sand beach. When he got there he was kind of scared so he went back by his mom at the regular beach. But one day he went to the rocky area to find a few foreign boys and he wanted to make friends with them by impressing them. The foreign boys liked him because he was good at diving so they thought he would be fun to hang out since he was a good swimmer like them. But there was this tunnel which was one of the main conflicts. He did not know to swim the tunnel because he had to hold his breathe for about two minutes. He swam through some of it and thought if he should go back but he said I am too far into it to turn back, but he made it alive. Jerry learned that taking a risk like that was a bad idea especially since his mom wasn’t by

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