
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Feminism

Good Essays

Robert Youshock
Prof. Matthew Gerber
HIST 1012
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Feminism before it was mainstream? Writing a paper on the topic of Frankenstein days before Halloween might give you the wrong idea- lets clear something up straight away Frankenstein is the doctor not the monster and the monster doesn’t have a name (which we later learn is mildly important to the story). You see, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is arguably a story of creation, murder, love, and learning amongst many other sad and depressing themes that perhaps root from Mary Shelley’s life. Mary Shelley’s mother, Mary Wollstonecraft was a well-known feminist author, that may have influenced her daughter’s work despite passing away a mere eleven days after …show more content…

This could essentially be carried on making a connection between the two suggesting their method of pursing knowledge was unconventional and untraditional. One should be reminded that the method in which the monster absorbed knowledge is by hiding in a shelter built next to a shed owned by the De Lacey’s and peering into a crack learning as they do, listening to them read and spectating the teaching of Safie. The monster learns everything she does from English vocabulary and reading to history. He learns about good and evil, human societies and reads three books found in the woods as well as the papers in the dressing gown he took from Frankenstein. This idea of not being the subject of the teaching, not being allowed to learn could be connected to that of women 's education around 1818 when the book was published. Mary Shelley perhaps had some access to education but may not have been able to truly pursue her goals with higher education. According to an article on Shelley, “she didn 't have a formal education,” but she did “make great use of her father 's extensive library.” . This goes to show that the mere idea or suggestion that one can make connections to Shelley and the monster is not so farfetched after all. Yet perhaps it is not only the monster that Shelley relates to. Indeed, Victor Frankenstein himself had many accounts that could be connected to Mary over his fictional yet short lifetime living only to twenty-five years old. As you know over the

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