My personal view of men in graduate studies and in counselling psychology is that men are greatly underrepresented and are much needed within this field. The number of men involved in the field of psychology has been consistently dwindling (Howard et al., 1986). One reason for this is that as the “profession lost prestige due to the public’s opinion about psychology and changes in the market place. Then, as salaries stagnated and men drifted away from the profession to pursue other degrees, women filled these vacancies” (Willyard, 2011). With the decrease of male counsellors available, one very real result is that potential male clients feel alienated by this shortage and often times do not seek help (Latham, 2011). An increased male presence within the field would also increase …show more content…
A., & Hansen, C. E. (1999). Gender role of male therapists in both professional and personal life. Sex roles, 41(1-2), 105-113.
Howard, A., Pion, G. M., Gottfredson, G. D., Flattau, P. E., Oskamp, S.; Pfaffin, S. M., Bray, D. W., Burstein, A. G. (1986). American Psychologist, 41(12), 1311-127.
Jennings, L., Goh, M., Skovholt, T. M., Hanson, M., & Banerjee-Stevens, D. (2003). Multiple factors in the development of the expert counselor and therapist. Journal of Career Development, 30(1), 59-72.
Latham, T. (2011). Why is it so hard to find a male therapist? Retrieved from Psychology Today
Marsiglio, W. (2008). Men on a mission: Valuing youth work in our communities. [Adobe Digital Editions 4.5]. doi: 10.1086/651332
Michel, R. E., Hall, S. B., Hays, D. G., & Runyan, H. I. (2013). A mixed methods study of male recruitment in the counseling profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91(4), 475-482.
Willyard, C. (2011). Men: A growing minority. gradPSYCH Magazine, 40. Retrieved from
Bersstein, D.A., Roy, E.J., Srull, T.K. and Wickens, C.D. (1991). Psychology. 2nd Edition. Boston: Houston Mifflin Company.
1. What is the philosophy of the counseling profession? How has this changed over time? Why is this important to study?
The Self-Inventory test for chapter one is a series of questions that ask about how one views Counselors as a person and a professional. Some of these questions were simple to answer because there is already a strong opinion towards the context. Others, however, were much trickier to answer. Mainly because I have not thought about the certain circumstance that was presented before.
American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2015). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Nuekrug, E. (2014). A Brief Orientation to Counseling, Professional Identity, History and Standards. Brooks/Cole Cenage Learning.
Labelling is further extrapolated onto men in instances of seeking help for mental illness, due to the dominant ideas held and the stigma attached to gender roles and masculinity. This type of masculinity is viewed as something men ought to live up to and as a result condones the objectification of women; objectifying women in many instances, particularly in the context of domestic violence, by labelling victims as not wanting to leave their partners when there are other external factors that are being ignored. Living in a culture where these views are held to such a high standard and are so deeply embedded into everyday thinking, it is greatly problematic for future social work practice.
We know how critical it is that institutions traditionally controlled by men reshape their policies and priorities to support gender equality and the well-being of women, children, and men. And we know that a critical part of that is to reshape the world of men and boys, the beliefs of men and boys, and the lives of men and boys.
Research is a very essential tool regardless of one’s occupational profession and or background. Research is a systemic investigation that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information in a sequential manner in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon of interest (Sheperis, Young, Daniels, 2010). Without it, professionals would not have the scholarly ability and or knowledge to preform professionally in their desired career fields. In addition to research there are several models as the Scholar Practitioner Model and the Scientist Practitioner Model that are used to increase the effectiveness of counselors. Therefore, with research being an essential tool within the counseling profession, research also have several roles.
Furthermore, even when men have been incredibly ensnared into their mental problems they will refuse to seek out therapy. Kupers insinuates that since therapy is a way in order to fix a weakness, men see seeking out a therapist as admitting that they have a need in order to get help. In the event that a man can’t handle his own problems then he must be riddled with weaknesses (Kupers). Being a man should entail getting
Closely related to notions of masculinity is mental health. As the Canadian Mental Health Association [CMHA] (2018) and CMHF (2018) report, beliefs about masculinity can discourage men’s interest in health issues, and stigma, fears of emasculation, vulnerability, and powerlessness in particular can dissuade interest in mental health. For example, many men have lower awareness of depression and anxiety symptoms or do not believe they are susceptible, and they often do not link issues or symptoms like anger and insomnia, to emotional distress (CMHA, 2018; State of Victoria, Department of Health 2015). Rather, men tend to employ maladaptive behaviours, like numbing, which can lead to self-destructive behaviours, such as violence
Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2013). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
I got the opportunity to interview two distinct professional counselors. I will be discussing their similarities and differences in their professional careers; Based on their professional identity, approach to therapy orientation, work setting as well as discussing unique experiences they have encountered. The interview experience was very insightful in understanding the work environment for counselors across the board is very diverse. Moreover, it was a great incredulity to my ignorance of the daily duties of a counselor on a daily basis. I had the privilege to interview two very distinct therapists with different licensure and outlook in their field.
Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology that came on the scene in the 20th century. Gestalt psychology provided the groundwork for the modern study of perception. Gestalt theory focus and emphasizes the whole of anything is greater that its parts.” Gestalt counseling is a humanistic, process-odented therapy that integrates dialogue field theory” (Novack, J. 2013).Theoretical principles and techniques that you find in Gestalt therapy works pretty well for productive and effective counseling with men. While Gestalt therapy is important in all clients, it respects the uniqueness, diversity and styles and understands each client individually. The client’s gender plays a very
The central focus of feminist counselling is gender, therapists must understand and be sensitive to how psychological oppression and socialization influence identity development.
In today’s society, the imagery of men and women are portrayed in their different personalities. The ideal male is always characterized as being competent, stable, tough,