
Masculinity In Disney Movies Essay

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A common concept in most Disney movies is the dependency the female characters have on the men. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, without the dwarfs it is likely Snow White would have died in the woods. The dwarfs tell her that she should not open the door to anyone, but she goes against their wishes and falls into the witches trap. This can imply that she is not capable of looking after herself and needs to be constantly watched by the dwarfs, men, to ensure harm does not come to her. It can also make the dwarfs appear smarter than her, suggesting men are smarter than women. Once she has bitten the poisoned apple and fallen into a never ending sleep she is incapable of saving herself, had the prince not found her and kissed her she would never have been able to wake up. …show more content…

As previously mentioned, Merida does not have an animal ‘sidekick’ like the other princesses do. The animal partners are classic Disney material. Interestingly, every single animal sidekick in the Disney princess movies is male. These animals tend to be there to offer the princesses advice and to bolster their confidence. This is another example of the dependency the princesses have on the male figures, often, without help from these animals the princesses would either not be sure what to do, or not have the confidence to do what was right. This can teach young girls that they need approval from males to know they are doing the right thing. It is important girls do not begin to believe that they, like many of the Disney princesses, are ‘damsels in distress’ and that they need a prince to come and save them. They need to learn that they are capable of saving themselves. Unfortunately, many Disney films have the princesses relying heavily on male characters to save them from unsavoury situations, although recent Disney movies such as Brave have begun to move away from this

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