
Masculinity In Malouf

Decent Essays

Prominent Malouf critic, Don Randall has commented on the concept of masculinity in the fictions of Malouf, arguing that this examination of charismatic masculinity enhances critical understanding of Malouf's representation of gender in his fictions. In his comprehensive book on Malouf, Randall evaluates the writer and situates him within the field of contemporary international and postcolonial writing. While doing this he does not lose sight of the author's affiliation with Australian contexts. Though the book presents an original reading of Malouf, encompassing the quite ample body of criticism on him, yet it says nothing about the concept of Australian cultural nationalism in his novels.

The only two people, who have come close to the concept of Australian cultural …show more content…

Yet he says nothing much about the culture of that nation and concentrates more on the non-fictional writings of Malouf. He focuses on Malouf’s fictional and non-fictional prose as something concerned with cultivating Australia’s national imaginary. Rooney says that it is impossible to look across the range of Malouf’s writings and not to be struck by how consistent his cultivation of nation has been. In fact this orientation of his could even appear compulsive if it were not for his acceptance and prominence as literary and public figure. Rooney even states that Malouf’s preoccupation with “nation” has in some quarters drawn negative reactions ranging from indifference to suspicion. Rooney goes on to quote David Tredinnick, who declared himself a ‘lapsed Maloufian’, and whose review reminds us that over emphasis on nation may both attract and repel readers and may sometimes become stale and outmoded. But Rooney also refers to Benedict Anderson, who upholds the idea that prints media has been integral to the shaping of national imaginaries. In the circle of Australian fiction, the compulsion to narrate nation has always been integral to the individual

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