The process that I utilized for the EOC is undoubtedly the weakest form to write an essay; the AP test requires an immeasurable amount of finesse compared to almost any other test. There are several writing processes that could be implemented to obtain a higher score; one strategy could be to copy or imitate the writing style of a master.
Imitating the work of a maser writer can help you improve in all aspects of writing; word choice, vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, even punctuation. Diction is an important aspect to a writer whether they be professional or an undergraduate; diction is the “bread and butter” so to speak, of anyone who writes. Exactly similar to diction is sentence structure; you can speak as regal as you want, but
Stephen King includes in his book advice for writers to become the best they can be. One of his tips if that “…good writing consists of mastering the fundamentals (vocabulary, grammar, the elements of style) and then filling the third level…with the right instruments,” (King 142). The fundamentals of writing in which King discusses is learned through practice and studying. Passionate writers will take the time to perfect these skills and then add their own flavor to make their writing more interesting and their own. To make pieces of writing personalized to the author, the author must be creative and original.
5.Most of the composition of the AP language arts curriculum focuses on expository, analytical, and argumentative writing; however, the curriculum
Diction is the style of writing that is determined by the choice of words by a writer. Diction can also include the mood, attidue, etc. It can also determine certain things in writing such as how the audience percieves the writer. The effect of diction can effect wether or not writing seems credible or not.
The most difficult part of taking the Ap English Literature test was the essay section. Discerning a conversation between both characters in the test and formating a helpful prewrite made it difficult to write the essay with a paragraph per prompt given the 40 minute time limit that should be spent on each essay.
When one enrolls into an honors or advanced English class, there are many worries that come to mind. These worries create thoughts such as ‘Am I a good writer?’, ‘Will I pass?’, or ‘How do I even start a paper?’. My teachers never specifically taught me to write. My teacher that I had for 9th grade English and my 10th grade honors English class always gave good grades. Once I got into my first AP English class, I felt as though my writing was inferior. In my distress, I went to the internet and I found that you do not have to be gifted in academic writing to get good grades on your essays, I found that organization is the key to writing a powerful essay.
I decided to take AP Language and Composition due to the requirements of the University of Iowa. For my intended major, I need two rhetoric classes and one literature class. Last year I completed the literature class which improved my reading ability tremendously. After completing ENG 105, I have improved in multiple areas, but I am most proud of my improvement on the writing volume and stamina as I now have the ability to write college level essays. When examining all of the competencies, I have not mastered any one of them, but have improved in multiple categories throughout the semester.
This model of Christianity is one of the earliest models. The Book of Revelations reflects this model particularly well. The text in the Book of Revelations is full of symbolism to illustrate what Christians persecuted by the Roman Emperors underwent. Faced with hostility from their government, who viewed Christians as treasonous and disloyal, early Christians had to band together to form communities. The hostility from imperial Rome led to the persecution of Christian communities, which lasted for hundreds of years.
This quote blew my mind. I wanted to write like that. The verbs, the descriptors, the diction, the punctuation, and vocabulary.
This year, AP English 3 has been my favorite class because of the wide variety of topics that we covered and the essay writing skills that we learned. By providing a large educational basis to students' writing, this class expands the learner's ability to communicate in a profesional, educational manner, a skill with which they will use for the rest of their life. As well as scoring eights (on a nine-point scale) on several English papers, the skills that I have grown and nurtured throughout the semester have helped me score fives or sixes on my AP US History essays (on a six-point scale). Through learning how to go in-depth and synthesize a topic, AP English 3 has taught me how to consistently score high grades on AP essays, as well as communicate
Throughout the course of this semester in AP Lang, my eyes have been opened to many of the weaknesses I never knew I had in writing. Coming into this semester, I had heard about the difficulty of this class, but was not unduly worried about not receiving an A; I have always considered myself as a competent if not strong writer. However, after failing to attain desired grades on several important essays, I was devastated, and realized that although I had mastered the basics of grammar and writing, there was still much for me to work on. Also, I did not understand that much of my grade in AP Lang would be determined by speaking in front of others, which is not my strong suit. What I have come to find is that writing essays containing all of the new information we have learned throughout the semester, such as requirements for different types of essays and good writing strategies, takes a lot of work, time, and thinking. Unfortunately, my procrastination caused me to only get done what had to be done instead of putting in the extra work and truly understanding everything.
The biblical event I chose was the story of Moses. When Moses was born the Hebrew were slaves in Egypt. When pharaoh saw the Hebrews population going up he took the drastic measures to kill every new born Hebrew boy. He sent his soldiers to do so. Moses’ mother hides him for 3 months without them finding him but she knew it wouldn’t be long before they killed Moses so she had to make a plan. She decided to put Moses into a basket and send him down the river. She sent her daughter to watch the basket as it went down the river. Moses ended up in the pharaoh’s daughter’s hands. Her daughter told pharaohs daughter that she knew a lady that could be Moses’ nurse from then on Moses’ real mom would be his nurse as he grew up. She took Moses to the
Ever since Junior year of High School when my English teacher announced,“We will be writing an extensive amount of essays in this class to prepare you for the AP Test.” After my teacher explained how the class will be for the next year, I knew that I would not be fond of writing essays. I did not love to write essays because I knew I could be utilizing my time in doing something that I would appreciate. Also, while writing essays I found it stressful to write a certain amount of pages regarding to a certain topic and being formatted in a certain way. In addition, I always have trouble either putting clear ideas on paper or supporting my ideas with evidence that are clear as well. However, now that I know I will be writing a bulk of essays this
Looking back to when I typed my first AP Language and Composition paper, I can honestly say that my writing skills have drastically improved. I started off not knowing any writing strategies and thought that typing three pages was a lot for just one paper. After completing the course, I can now write a full eight paged paper using one of the three writing strategies that we learned. Before this class, I was never a skilled writer and the thought of taking APLAC intimidated me because I did not think I was capable of completing the course. I never imagined myself taking this class because In my mind I simply was not smart enough to take it. However, due to all the positive comments I received about the class and how it improved my friends writing, I
As any artist does in their work of art, in order to become a great writer you must be completely devoted to what you are creating. Sentences must flow as if brush strokes, words must compile to create cohesive, clear, and complex thoughts as if colors. Writing is just as much of an art as painting, sculpting, or drama. Just like in writing, every artist has a particular style- the way the artist uses his brush, colors, canvas, tools- In writing a style can be shown by the writers distinct use of different sentence structures, certain types of vocabulary, or other things that distinguish one writer from another. For me, a great part of my style in writing was developed from a sense of humor and inspiration to acquire knowledge from vocabulary.
The paper explores the idea that gender is culturally and socially constructed, a thought that there is clear evidence of in the novel. Much has been said about Alice Walker’s epistolary novel, The Color Purple, and its feminist dimension; nevertheless, this characteristic represents only the tip of the iceberg, the eye-striking feature, as this book is also a representative example of postcolonial literature. By illustrating Afro-American life both of the colonized and of the colonizers, the narrative becomes the literature of otherness and resistance, built up around a triple oppression (cultural, racial and sexual) and around the inner evolution of culture.. There has been much arguing among postcolonial scholars regarding the structure