Sometimes, I feel like I’m putting on a mask whenever I go out. Having to act out my whole personality. Meeting up with friends has began to feel faker, I have to be the happy, cheerful, extroverted friend when in reality all I want to do is go home and watch Netflix. It’s like my persona is a lie. Running into a friend while shopping for books, meeting a new person, I have to put this mask back on, start the act all over, the weight of the lies are killing me. Why can’t I be the normal me? Why am I afraid of this? It's too hard to change now. You can’t go back now. The voices scream at me. You can’t stop the play when it’s only half way done. I can’t keep this mask on forever. Why? Why do I hide myself in this false costume? Will people
It changes everytime you ask. Some say it was a virus, others say it was god punishing us for our sins. At least that’s what the people on the news say. All I know is that the dead are walking among us. I’ve seen people I used to know attack and eat innocent people. Everyday I see my dad walking among them, wishing there something i could have done. I couldn’t bring myself to kill one of the only people i’ve loved. He attacked me but i managed to fight him off and i’ve been held up in my house ever since. It’s a small house, nothing fancy, in a small town near Chicago called Glenview. Everyday I think about my half brother that lived in New York with his mom. After my dad and his mom split I didn’t think life could get any worse, I was
I can't do it dad,I just can't ". I say to my dad has he throw me a baseball saying Ic"yes you can just stick your glove up". And has the ball comes closer to me I close my eyes and stick up my glove. Than I feel the base breeze pasted my glove.
If you haven’t used a tampon before, and you don’t have a Phd at the end of your name, it’s hard to hear you. TMI I know, but while you change multiple times, you use them for 24 hours, and up to 4 to 7 days. It is very disturbing to think that our cotton fields are being contaminated to the point that it’s transferring into everything. And now, we’re using something that over the years could endanger our health, or God forbid our future children. And it’s not just tampons, but pads, wipes, washes and so much more. We are our own worst enemy, and we will destroy
A pair of dark lavender eyes split open as a young man startles awake with a gasp of frigid air entering his lungs. His body is aching and burning as if he has been running for miles without rest. "Where am I?" the man rasps out in between a huge gulp of air. He looks to his surroundings and sees the shadows cast by the morning light spreading over the many bodies littering the ground around him.
You run, stumbling over roots and rocks, terrified out of your mind. You cannot think, and your breath comes in stutters. Your instincts tell you to hide, to try to outrun the being that is ravaging the corpses of your fallen comrades. You do not know where you are going, but your brain and your body are screaming at you to GO AWAY RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN so you do.
It was a cold day in November 1959. Fog was covering the ground of the cemetery but every once in a while, the drops of rain and people passing by would separate the fog to reveal soft mushy ground, covered with a light layer of snow. You could hear the thump every time someone took a step, as everyone in the area gathered around a gravestone. “Shame she died” said a cop. His uniform was soaked and covered in food stains and he looked like he hadn’t exercised in a year.
Glowing You knocked me sideways When you said that you were leaving. You knocked me over When you cried and told the truth.
This proves Gergen’s thesis, “I doubt that people normally develop a coherent sense of identity, and believe that to the extent that they do, they may experience serve emotional distress” (172). By having several masks or selves, is how we are able to adapt to changing society. With these multiple masks we are able to achieve acceptance and know who we are as individuals. Throughout life we must adopt masks when facing different circumstances; it is through these masks that we see how we change as individuals. If we spend our lives trying to stick to one mask, we can find ourselves to feel lost, depressed, or invisible. Change is good; however we must still stay true to ourselves when using masks. They are a part of us as individuals but they are not us.
After a long day of working to keep my mind busy, I stumbled into my dark, cold, and uninviting living quarters of this cramped, glass clean oxygen bubble they call a “home”. Even though this place keeps the people that were evacuated safely from that lethal, disease infested, and haunting gas cloud waiting to strike on the outside, it doesn’t help ease the pain and terminate what my brain forges in my head with every breath I take. Every day I vented to myself how different my life has become. I can’t seem to fill the void that I hold in my soul and I feel like the guilt I hold will slowly rot away anything that brings me joy. Luckily for my soul, I’m tired of keeping it on the inside and if I'm going to preserve what little happiness I have
ill fucking kill you bitch if you don't stop talking shit behind my back you dirty tart. You be suck all sort of dick my boy and I gonna expose your bitch ass if you don't stop. maybe ill brake your fucking family's knees in. I'm not going to fuck around anymore you fucking dirty ass bitch, another thing you owe me money you hoe. bitch I got niggas that are willing to beat your ass.........
After watching The Mask You Live In, I thought it was interesting to see how the notion of oppression of women across many cultures. So I grew up in an Asian family and that has impacted me greatly. In East Asia, the majority of the population view women as inferior to men. As a matter of fact, women are often viewed as objects simply to reproduce and help extend the family.
A short loud bang echoed through my ears and clumps of mud sprinkled on my pale skin like a cold shower. Edrenalin spreaded through my body faster than I could get up on my feet and look straight. The world was on mute, only a loud ringing whistle existed and it wasn't going away anytime soon. The high pitch sound was dampening and for some reason i was hoping to hear a familiar voice or sound that was of somewhat pleasing like my mother. But something more familiar started to come into reality, screaming. People were darting by me, like a sudden flash. I looked over to what they were doing, where they were going. And sure enough they were going over to the screams. A man who looked older than me was half submerged in mud and blood. He was
How did I get here?why do I hear bombs? and why do I see guns scattered? I think I am on a battlefield. It is a big war. It is US fighting German . And I'm in the middle I need to get out of herek before I get shot. There are pools of water all over it slows me down. So I run as fast as I can then I take cover behind a boulder the size of a house. So then I pick up a rifle and start shooting. Than I make a run for it so I follow the footsteps. Then I realise that it was world war1. He figured it out when he saw hitler. Lane smell of stone he hates. The icy drafts of air smelled like gunpowder. There were dark lizards eating the dead bodys. It took a long time to get to the lines of us.they shot at me but i told them I was
How have you been. These past few months have been really tough. Have you ever heard of trench foot. If we stand in the water for long periods of time without changing our socks we can get it. The pain is indescribable,but some were lucky and lost all feeling in their feet. A friend of mine stuck a bayonet straight into his foot and didn't even feel a thing how almaring. Ooh don't get me started with the lice,all the men have short hair cuts. It's easier to take them out that way,we take the blunt edge of the knife and scrape it across our scalp. I'm missing home,the nice bed,the homemade meals, and the moment of peace. The living conditions aren't the best ,we must look out for our bread,the rats have been coming in huge waves. They are truly
In your eyes yet not able to see but still able to understand. Look to the past, not future, it's went way too far. We've skipped, we've ran, but go back and walk slowly, nicely. Don't miss a thing!