
Maslow Model

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Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs is an important psychological theory originated by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. Ref: A Theory of Human Motivation (1943).
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Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs
1 Self Actualization Needs
(full potential)
2 Esteem Needs
(self respect, personal worth, autonomy)
3 Love and Belongingness Needs
(love, friendship, comradeship)
4 Safety Needs
(security; protection from harm)
5 Physiological Needs
(food, sleep, stimulation, activity)

B Values
In general, values reflect one 's judgment and helps sort out what is important in life. Maslow described what he considered important values that defined one 's Being. These …show more content…

Security - Safety Needs Here we might include living in a safe area away from threats. This level is more likely to be found in children as they have a greater need to feel safe.
Body -Physiological Needs On this level are the very basic needs for air, warmth, food, sleep, stimulation and activity. People can die due to lack of biological needs and equilibrium (homeostasis).

Self Actualization
Self-Actualization is described by Maslow as an ongoing process involved in a cause outside their own skin. People on this need level, work at something very precious. This is a vocation or a calling in the old priestly sense. These people are very fine, healthy, strong, sagacious (that is, very smart) and creative.
Self Actualization was actually created by Kurt Goldstein in 1940 and later widely used by Carl Rogers. Self actualization is defined as a basic force which drives the person forward and onwards.
B and D Needs
Maslow also called self actualization need growth motivation or being needs (B-Needs) in contrast to deficit motivation (D-Needs). Maslow suggested that only two percent of the people in the world achieve self actualization. Maslow gave examples of people who met this criteria using biographical analysis. People who met this standard of self actualization included: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Adams, William James, Albert Schweitzer, Benedict Spinoza, and Almost Huxley
Self actualized

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