Maslow Abraham Maslow was a humanistic psychologist whose theories of self-actualization and hierarchy of needs had a significant impact on the field of human development. Maslow was a very optimistic theorist regarding human beings, with thoughts that he wanted humans to be happy and be the best that they can be regarding their life path. Maslow defined self-actualization as a human being realizing personal potential, self- fulfillment and one who seeks personal growth and peak experiences in their life path (McLeod, 2007). Self-actualization is included in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (McLeod, 2007) model. Self- actualization is the pinnacle of human development, although …show more content…
Our medical director is a neurologist, so I am thinking that his statistics are correct and researched. I would like to relate the experiences that I had with my grandmother when I was growing up. When I was in my youth, my grandmother was already in her 60’s was very active and had great mental acuity. She was always physically active and I used to go everywhere with her. She would take me to museums in New York City and she would navigate the city fairly well, even at her advancing age. As she got older, she still remained active and kept her brain active by reading, knitting and that sort of thing. In her 80’s and 90’s her brain was still very sharp until she passed at the age of 96. There was no evidence of Alzheimer’s disease with her at all and up until her death her thinking was clear. My parents who are in their 80’s are not experiencing any form of dementia either. I believe that they will not experience this because they keep their bodies active as well as their minds. My dad is pretty computer literate for someone of his age, where most folks his age are not, and with the world of information at his disposal, he is learning new information all of the time. I believe that their crystallized intelligence is increasing due to increased brain activity/stimulation. From the reading in Diessner (2008) the authors posited that a decline
She was seventy when Fredrick and Gilbert Wilson recorded her memories, and she described her childhood in detail. Although decades separate the artist from the events he depicts,
kinda crazy when it came to driving. She would do her makeup, hair, nails, and watch tv all
dedication and diligence she took in being a good student from elementary through high school.
She was always trying to inspire others. She was a helpful person and always wanted to have an extraordinary life. She enjoyed hanging out with friends, family and doing art. She worked hard and studied hard in school. Her favorite subject in school was science, she enjoyed learning new things. She struggled in math a little, but she never threw in the towel. She always tried to keep an open and positive mind about school and her classes. She wanted to get a high school degree, go to college and get a job in graphic
history of mental illness leading to disordered thinking. She would struggle with this illness that
4. Vascular Dementia – This form of dementia results from many strokes. When a patient has a stroke, the blood flow is interrupted to the brain and the result is brain tissue damage (Types of Dementia, 2011). These patients normally lose their cognitive ability before their memory.
Although my mother was not as academically great as my father, she was very clever and good social relations, a very accessible person. Being adventurous and very adaptable were also traits present in her and this statement is supported by the fact that she emigrated several times and never complained about it. In fact, she loved having novel experiences. After remarrying and living happily for several years, her husband suffered a car accident and became paralytic. She stayed and took care of him for several years until he died, evidence of her caring personality. She also likes to cook and playing the
emphasis, per say contrary to how she portrayed her manic thought. In addition her focus was much
Mrs. Keller, 86 years old was diagnosed with dementia with signs of behavioral problems. She can still walk independently but needs minimum assistance in some basic activities of daily living.
Both have related that they now have to actively work to maintain their previous mental acuity. In their 20’s, both did well in college and were well respected in their
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow was a psychologist who lived from 1908 to 1970. He established a hierarchy of needs for all human beings in the setup of a pyramid. Those at the bottom of the pyramid had to be filled before moving up to the next level of needs.
As people get old a few of them will experience changes in cognition with age related capacity rather than intellectual capacity. There are some people who get both disparities of mentally and physically impaired that will led into depression due to aging process of their body. Even though, the forgetfulness is a common among older adults, we as healthcare providers must evaluate altered mental status of the patients. “The evaluation and management of altered mental status are broad and require careful history and physical examination to eliminate life-threatening situations”(Patti & Dulebohn, 2017). Therefore, it is very important to recognize the importance of difference between normal age-related symptoms and developing new health problems that can arise in this specific population. As elders get older their memory lapses it frustrating to them leading them to be more worried about changes in their memory. Nurses have a unique capability to promote a cognitive health and determine the possibilities of potential cases of the impairment in elders. The movie “On Golden Pond” Mr. Norman was a perfect example and showed that his symptoms were interfering with his everyday live when he almost burns down the house with fire, calling Bill by his daughter’s name Chelsea and getting lost in on the lake. Even though, Mr. Norman had heart and dementia problems his wife never discouraged him to do what he liked such as
cope with the events in her life because she was so adapted to being told how to think and
This question might explain any happiness or unhappiness my aunt experiences. Her past ideas about her life could give clues as to why she is happy or unhappy.
and to study, either art or music. Her mother promoted a very relaxed upbringing and encouraged