
Maslow's Theory Of The Five Theories Of Motivation

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Theoretical Background - Motivation Theories:
These are the respective theories of motivation and how it may drive an employee commitment in an organization. Five approaches of amplification behavior; needs, reinforcement, cognition, job characteristics, and feelings/emotions – underlie the evolution of modern theories of human motivation. In this motivational theory effort, the following motivation theories were selected; need theories, equity theory, expectancy theory, and job design model given their emphasis and reported significance on employee retention.

2.6.1 Need Theories of Motivation: Need theories attempt to determine core factors that energize behavior. Needs as defined previously are physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior. These needs can be strong or weak and are influenced by environmental factors. Thus, human needs vary over time and place. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory suggested by Abraham Maslow’s “Theory of Human Motivation is defining work was the development of the hierarchy of needs. Maslow believed that human beings aspire to become self-actualizing and viewed human potential as a vastly underestimated and unexplained territory. He …show more content…

Motivation factors (level of challenge, the work itself, responsibility, recognition, advancement, intrinsic interest, autonomy, and opportunities for creativity) however, could stimulate satisfaction within the employee, provided that minimum levels of the hygiene factors were reached. For an organization to take full advantage of Herzberg's theory, they must design jobs in such a way that motivators are built in, and thus are intrinsically

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