
Mass Legalization For Unauthorized Immigrants

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A recent push to provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants in today’s society has become a very contentious issue for Americans. While most United States citizens agree that illegal immigrants violate the basic core of fundamental immigration laws, there remains an unprecedented controversy regarding the possibility of granting amnesty to this growing sector of the population. While some citizens may argue that a mass legalization of immigrants could spark growth in the United States, others speculate that amnesty could create turmoil throughout the country. In the preceding testimony titled “Mass Legalization for Unauthorized Immigrants Is a Bad Idea” by the American Immigration Control Foundation, the author claims that a mass …show more content…

He points out, “classic economic theory teaches that as supply of a commodity - in this case, labor - increases, the price will fall” (AICF, 2016). The author was trying to solidify his point by appealing to the emotions of the reader. Clearly, workers in the United States would not want to see their hourly wage decrease due to an influx of migrant workers. Therefore, the writer was likely successful in expressing his viewpoint to the reader. The use of pathos in this paragraph also demonstrates that the author was passionate about his viewpoint. This rhetoric provides a strong and logical transition to the next premise of the argument. The author’s second premise employs ethos and logos to justify the fiscal problems the United States will be forced to encounter by granting amnesty. Currently, the American government is trying to stabilize an ever increasing national debt and find long term solutions for national health care and social security. Adding uneducated and inadequately skilled workers to our population could burden our current entitlement programs and increase public debt. The author warns, “granting amnesty or legal status to illegals will generate costs in Medicare and Social Security alone of $2.5 trillion above any taxes paid in” (AICF, 2016). The use of logos and numerical data build a framework for the author 's next few paragraphs. The writer

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