CMNS 301
Tuesday, November 26th 2013
Final Essay
After reading “Adolescent Room Culture: Studying Media in the Context of Everyday Life” by Jeanne Steele and Jane Brown, study the uses and gratifications of literature. Have a look at your life. Where do practice and theory seem to match up, and where do they pass like ships in the night? Keep a “media uses and gratifications” diary for you and your family or friends for a week. Use the diary as raw material for your study. Organize the diary to deliver information about questions you want answered.
Can you apply Steele and Brown to what you have observed, or do you need to modify their model? Can you think of a better representation? How will you construct your model? Which
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co-construction of meaning).
These theories will be useful in determining my underlying motivations behind my choice of media and content and how my experiences help shape the meaning I provide to the former. Although I have a very active lifestyle, media does consume the largest portion of my time. For the sake of this analysis, the table above simply refers to the television shows and movies I watched throughout a week, however it is important to note that in addition, all time spent of the phone, computer, reading and listening to radio also comprise of media consumption.
Steele and Brown Model
This proposes the following assumptions:
Individuals are selective in their media choices
Individuals are creative in their interpretations of media content
Individuals are active users of media material2
In order to test these suppositions, the researchers undertook several room cultures studies to examine, monitor and evaluate adolescent media consumption habits. This resulted in the following model, which conceptualizes the three most significant dimensions of mass media uses and effects.3
This model serves to illustrate that media “is an integral part of the continuous process of cultural production and reproduction that characterizes everyday life.” (Steele, 556) This means that the media serves to shape values, as well as reinforce existing values and meaning that individuals attribute to their everyday
Using material from Item C and elsewhere, assess the view that ‘today’s children use the media in new and very different ways from their parents’, (Item C,
Media influences play a critical role in how adolescents develop their personality, peer pressure and how they define their identity as they are making their transition to being young adults.
The media's wide development is forming the qualities and sentiments of the youthful era. The introduction of the media additionally advances social issues with our childhood. Issues, for example, social conduct, change in way of life, demonstrated conduct, harassing, battling. The rundown can go on. It is simply the way the circumstance puts. Diversion media use has turned into a revering background in present day families, additionally in the day by day lives of our kids. In the relatively recent past we had incredible profundity and ethics in TV. As far back as the advances in innovation, youngsters would read, play with toys and not computer
Last Tuesday, I attempted to unplug myself from the world of media and see how it affected my everyday life. After trying to disconnect myself from everything that involves media, I realized how much I rely on it to get me through each day. I was never this aware of its presence in today’s society until disconnecting myself. Without media to rely on, I found myself having to readjust my whole normal routine just to get through the day.
In today’s society, media is present in our lives 24/7 allowing it to have a major influence on our culture in both positive and negative ways.
Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by pop culture, whether it is present on the computer, magazines, or on the radio. In the 40’s and the 50’s comic books were blamed for corrupting the younger generation, and in the 90’s the public began to blame rap music for various violent atrocities. Recently, there have been a few articles that have been written discussing TV’s influence on society. Two such articles are “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson, an article written for the New York Times, and “Thinking Outside the Idiot Box” by Dana Stevens, a movie critic for Slate Magazine. These two articles only touch on other outlets for pop culture, but look at a major source that is disseminating pop culture into most American’s lives, television. While looking at these articles, it is important to note how some parts of pop culture have value to them and others can contain a no discernable value.
Adolescence is a time where an individual’s sense of identity starts to emerge and a majority of their social norms are perceived. In this day and age, adolescents live in a world heavily submerged around media, which plays an important and habitual part of an adolescents' life. In a national survey conducted in 2009, adolescents on average spend more than 7.5 hours using some sort of media a day (Rideout, Foehr, Roberts, 2010). With this unprecedented access to the world, individuals are learning and connecting with many different people and ideas through the media (Brown & Bobkowsi, 2011). With different forms of media playing an influential part in an adolescents’ life, their perceived social norms may be seriously influenced.
We are all aware that nowadays media has a critical impact in adolescent’s cognitive development. Like Vigotsky explains on the textbook, the environment has a substantial influence because adolescent learn from socially shared activity. Also, as Piaget describes when it comes to adolescents, they tend to start reasoning and drawing their own conclusions from observation which can also be from TV shows.
The influence of media on society in the 21st century is undeniable. Of all the types of media, music and books stand out as two of the main strands that influences people the most. They are both invaluable resources of knowledge and entertainment that can be accessed by all age groups. However, the most important aspect of music and books that has made them so prominent to the 21st century audience is that it offers a wide range of genres and styles. Consequently, Music and books have become the principal method of entertainment in the lives of many, as it bestows upon people the opportunity to free themselves from reality, and exist in their own fantasy worlds. By comparing and contrasting the impact of music and books, a superior
It is no secret that the current generation is obsessed with media. You cannot walk anywhere without seeing teenagers, adults, and even kids using technology and social media. Everywhere you look there are ads to purchase the latest and greatest clothing, technology, or beauty products. Television standards have been lowered by the FCC and shows with explicit content have now taken over television leaving teenagers to idolize a lifestyle that is not to their best interest. But how does this media really affect us? What age is most drawn in and how does it change the outlook of their future? This would fall under evaluation research, I am seeking to find out the impact that media has on the current generation.
There is no doubt that when it comes to American youth television is one of the biggest influences by far. Many parents would love to say that their child does not watch that much TV but in reality they are spending a lot of time watching television or using media in some way. “The study by the Kaiser Family foundation shows that children ages 2-8 spend an average of 5 ½ hours a day “consuming media” kids 8 and older spend even more time in front of the tube nearly 6 ¾ hours a day” (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005 ). Astonishingly, more time is being spent with media then doing homework, studying or even spending time with family. A child’s retention of what
Unlike previous generations who were “introduced” to the internet, television and social media, the present generation is “born” in it. By this statement, it is implied that children today are much closer to technology and media than adults are, and so, are more likely to be affected by it. Perhaps, the highest impact on the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children and adolescents is by media due to its ready availability through Smart phones, tablet PCs and other portable devices. This paper attempts to evaluate some of the influences of media on various aspects of child and adolescent development.
The information learned through media literacy can also be applied to the second argument that focuses upon the influence media exercises on our values and behaviors. Media is probably the most powerful influence on teen attitudes and beliefs in American society. The abundance of media exposure contributes
Because media is such a regular and consistent part of my life, its impacts did not immediately stand out to me. Media’s influence on important moments of my life was substantial though, a key example being how I met my current best friends. It is first useful to note that being exposed to fictional novels when I was younger, such as Harry Potter and Magic Tree House, led to my love for reading and consequently my joining of the
The worth of media is a very controversial topic. Media has given us the ability to do things in new and creative ways such as how we learn and accomplish our everyday tasks. However, we do not always know how to interpurate this information. The technology available today is constantly impacting and influencing society in tremendous ways. Many of the impacts that are accocated with media are addressed in negative ways, but can be seen from a positive perspective as well. In the current generation, media and its influences can be found everywhere. These influences widely impact today’s adolescents and maturing teenagers because they are still developing into adults. Medias purpose is not only to inform us, but to allow us to mold ourselves in how we want to be perceived online. Also, it allows us easy access to unbelievable amounts of information. Living in an era known as the “information age” is riveting, but what are we suppose to do with all of this new technology and information?