“You don’t know this, you can’t do this, you don’t know any of this information!” screamed my brain as I took the test to get into my dream highschool, MAST. The Marine Academy of Science and Technology is one of the five schools in the Monmouth County Vocational School District. It is dedicated to marine biology, which has always been a passion of mine. It was my goal to be accepted to MAST and for it to be my high school. I was trying extremely hard to achieve this and learned many new things about myself. During my attempt to make it into MAST, I worked hard, made sacrifices, and endured severe stress. Determining the amount of hard work a task requires is relative to what you have experienced before. When I was preparing myself to take …show more content…
In the end, none of these sacrifices came close to what I had to give up if I wanted to get into MAST. I had to give up time with my friends, time for myself, and a huge chunk of my weekend. The preparation class I took demanded many sacrifices, some being very hard for me to give up. I had never been subjected to that much hardship, even when my family had to live at my grandma’s house. Although these sacrifices seemed to take away a part of myself, I learned an immense amount of information about myself with these things taken away. The sacrifices I made during my journey revealed to me who I really am. Up until this point, my challenges were fatiguing, however, the day of the test was the worst part of my quest. The stress that I felt while taking that test was unreal. Each question my brain seemed to convince me that I didn’t know what the answer was. As the test went on, I felt worse and worse. I thought I was in a nightmare. On the other hand, when I finished and walked outside of the building I felt fatigued, yet I had done it. I was finished with this delightful burden. All the troubles were through. The stress I felt that day was later counteracted with a realization about my
Lane Community College has an opportunity to promote voting in Oregon when approximately a quarter of eligible folks in the state are unregistered. By adding a voter registration function to Lane Community College registrations, physical places to pick up voter registration cards, and providing links to official Oregon state voting information LCC will support students. And, not only will more students participate in elections throughout the state, they will also have funds and time reallocated to campus-specific campaigns that were previously spent on student organization voter registration efforts.
For Hillsborough Community College to attract the most students and achieve higher retention rates, Differentiated Marketing would be the best practice. Because Hillsborough Community College is predominantly diverse, target marketing groups should include dual-enrolled students, recent high-school graduates, young adults, and career-oriented adults seeking higher education. A smaller marketing group to consider is the mature adult over the age of 60 who are seeking recreational classes. Promotional messages should be developed to target each group in order to increase attraction and retention in each group category. The main marketing focus of HCC has been on the high school market, and not in actively recruiting the adult market (Clarus 16). Though the high school market may always display a greater percentage of students attending HCC, other marketing groups may show an improved interest if promotional messages are targeted to each group, thus increasing overall attendance.
For nearly 138 years, Brenau University has continued to uphold its slogan Extraordinary Lives. When I first stepped foot on Brenau’s campus in 2012, I wouldn’t have fathomed that four years later, this institution would shape me into the successful woman I am today. Prior to attending Brenau, I had always struggled with understanding who I was and where I belonged. Once I became a student at Brenau, I began to join organizations such as Student Activities Board and Student Government Association, and consequently, I have reached a social and academic success peak I never believed I would be able to achieve. If you are a first year college student or are transferring to a different institution, I advise you to take Brenau University into consideration.
The doctor-patient relationship always has been and will remain an essential basis of care, in which high quality information is gathered and procedures are made as well as provided. This relationship is a critical foundation to medical ethics that all doctors should attempt to follow and live by. Patients must also have confidence in their physicians to trust the solutions and work around created to counter act certain illnesses and disease. Doctor-patient relationships can directly be observed in both the stories and poems of Dr. William Carlos Williams as well as in the clinical tales of Dr. Oliver Sacks. Both of these doctors have very similar and diverse relationships with multiple patients
Waking up in the morning, going to sleep at night, and doing what one loves in between, is what success means. That, to me, encompasses being able to help people and possibly save lives as a career. There is a nobility in succeeding in certain areas one cares deeply about. Having the ability and capability to protect and serve is a strong desire within me. Developing my education, in order to further my success something that I perceive as a crucial aspect of being able to do what I love. Attending Endicott is the first step in this journey of mine.
1. The nation is at war, and your number in the recently reinstated military draft has just come up. The problem is that, after serious reflection, you have concluded that the war is unjust. What advice might Socrates give you? Would you agree? What might you decide to do? Read the Introduction, Chapter 2 Crito and the Conclusion Chapter 40 Phaedo by Plato.
Matt Lamkin’s “A Ban On Brain-Boosting Drugs is Not the Answer” first appeared in Chronicle of Higher Education in 2011. In this essay Lamkin aims to convince his reader not to deter improper conduct with threats, but to encourage students to engage in the practice of education. Lamkin tells us “If colleges believe that enhancing cognition with drugs deprives students of the true value of education, they must encourage students to adapt that value as their own” (642). Appeal to logic, consistency, and compare/contrast are techniques Lamkin skillfully uses to create a strong effective essay.
Art Spiegelman’s Maus, is a unique way of looking at history. Through the use of comics, Spiegelman allows the reader to draw their own conclusions within the parameters of the panes of the comic. Unlike reading a textbook in which the author describes every detail about the subject matter, comics allow for the reader to draw their own conclusions from the information given to them. Also by reading a serious comic such as Maus, we are able to break away from
1. Which accounting method best reflects the economic reality? Put another way, which accounting numbers – the GAAP or non-GAAP numbers best reflects economic reality? [10 points]
Writing has many tools and devices that can be used to influence the purpose and meaning of the a piece of work. In the two pieces of work, "Private License Plate Scanners Amassing Vast Databases Open to Highest Bidders-which is written in a way that it is anti-license plate tracking- and "Who Has the Right to Track You?'-which is written to be for license plate tracking- many different tools and devices are used by the authors. These pieces of work describe the benefits and drawbacks of collecting data and tracking fellow citizens, but use different forms of pathos, ethos, and logos to portray what they are trying to say. Also, both articles state how many are opposed to this tracking, arguing that it is against the First Amendment,
You indicated you are interested in being considered for admission to The Honors College. At the end of this application, you will also be asked to complete a personal statement which is not required. You may choose to skip the personal statement if you do not wish to provide additional information.
At the time I had signed up for the SAT, something that anyone looking to get into college had to do, I was still facing these challenges of school, but as the months before the test were lurking closer, the challenges got harder and harder to fight. This had no correlation with the test itself, just life and anxiety taking over. About a month before the day of the test, I found myself in a psychiatrist’s office, breaking down and confessing
To many high school students, college seems like a far away land, a mysterious place where everyone wants to be yet not many know how to get there. As children, our parents tell us how much time we have to think about college, and that it is too far down the line to think about. The truth is it is never too early to think about your future. I, like many people, put little thought into my future career and now am lost in an unfortunate mix of indecision and anxiety. Not knowing where you want to be in the future is a hard burden to bear. Many of us tend to find out that we only know what we do not want, not what we actually do want. Do we want to be poor? Absolutely not. Do we want a boring job? Of course we don’t. We all want our
It’s the challenge itself that people learn from. There isn’t any point to making things a challenge for no good reason so it’s about taking on the right challenges and calculating risks to a point that justifies them when compared to the challenge that is faced to accomplish them. Truth be told, it was a challenged for me to take that risk and slide down the tube tunnel and I did not regret doing so because I know at that point thats what I wanted. If it hadn't been for that challenge, I wouldn't be able to see what I am capable of doing.
Nick Tosches once said, “I don’t have a college degree” (Picturequotes, 2017). Quite frankly, neither do I considering the fact that I am fourteen years old and not a genius. Over the course of the past nine weeks, I have been researching about Florida State University, it’s financial aid, the process of going through college, and Florida State University’s history.