
Mast College Essay

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“You don’t know this, you can’t do this, you don’t know any of this information!” screamed my brain as I took the test to get into my dream highschool, MAST. The Marine Academy of Science and Technology is one of the five schools in the Monmouth County Vocational School District. It is dedicated to marine biology, which has always been a passion of mine. It was my goal to be accepted to MAST and for it to be my high school. I was trying extremely hard to achieve this and learned many new things about myself. During my attempt to make it into MAST, I worked hard, made sacrifices, and endured severe stress. Determining the amount of hard work a task requires is relative to what you have experienced before. When I was preparing myself to take …show more content…

In the end, none of these sacrifices came close to what I had to give up if I wanted to get into MAST. I had to give up time with my friends, time for myself, and a huge chunk of my weekend. The preparation class I took demanded many sacrifices, some being very hard for me to give up. I had never been subjected to that much hardship, even when my family had to live at my grandma’s house. Although these sacrifices seemed to take away a part of myself, I learned an immense amount of information about myself with these things taken away. The sacrifices I made during my journey revealed to me who I really am. Up until this point, my challenges were fatiguing, however, the day of the test was the worst part of my quest. The stress that I felt while taking that test was unreal. Each question my brain seemed to convince me that I didn’t know what the answer was. As the test went on, I felt worse and worse. I thought I was in a nightmare. On the other hand, when I finished and walked outside of the building I felt fatigued, yet I had done it. I was finished with this delightful burden. All the troubles were through. The stress I felt that day was later counteracted with a realization about my

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