
Master Argument On Death

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Death is an inevitable event that every human being will experience some time in his or her life. It is something that most people try to avoid talking about, and avoiding in general. Some people do not want to not die because of fear from different things, such as emotional distress on family members, suffering, and in some cases, the fear of the Afterlife. However, as the Epicureans point out, fearing death is not rational, since it is not bad for us. In this paper, I will be discussing how Hedonism is not bad for an individual. I will be arguing against those who reject premise B2 from the Master Argument on Death. My position is that death is not rational to fear. This structure of the paper is that I will quickly introduce the Master Argument, …show more content…

For premise B2, it states that there is no more suffering, just peace with oneself. Some might say that is not true, because they might believe that in the Afterlife there will be painful punishments for those who committed sins. In order for those who reject B2, they have to understand Epicurus’s definition of death. “Epicurus claims that death is not the process of dying. Dying is something leading to death, but not death itself. Also, he did not mean the moment of death either.” (Epicurus' Death Argument). The moment of death is what most religious people believe is the Afterlife, and being dead is leading up to the moment of the Afterlife when we may or may not experience that. Once we have understood that, then we can argue against those who reject B2, by saying that the only bad things for you are painful sensations. Quoted by Epicurus, “death is nothing to us; for that which is dissolved is with out sensation; and which lacks sensation is nothing to us” (128). When we are dead, we do not feel anything at all. It is just a state of non-existence, with complete and total serenity. It is a moment in time when you feel nothing. After that moment has passed, is when the next phase in the Afterlife begins. Therefore, death is not bad for you because it is a moment of non-existence and is painless, and thus you should not fear

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