
Master-Slave Dialectic Hegel and Fanon Views

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Master slave relationship and dialectic

Fanon - Black Skin White Masks Black Skin and Hegel Self Consciousness

“In this experience self-consciousness learns that life is essential to it as pure self-consciousness. One (self-consciousness) is self-sufficient; for it, its essence is being-for-itself. The other is non-self-sufficient, for it, life, that is, being for an other, is the essence. The former is the master, the latter is the servant” (Hegel 189). Hegel suggests in the dialectic that there is coherence between subject and object, concrete and abstract, part and whole, and for the purpose of dialectic, master and slave.

Hegel believes that “master” is a “consciousness.” The …show more content…

“If the standpoint of consciousness, which is to say, the standpoint of knowing objective things to be opposed to itself and knowing itself to be opposed to them, counts as the other to science – if it is that the point where consciousness is at one with itself is where it counts to an even greater degree at the loss of spirit” (Hegel 26). Domination has a central role to play according to Hegel’s master slave dialectic description of specific relations among humans. Domination results from the urge to be recognized in life midst as well as death struggle. Fanon took Hegel’s master slave dialectic in his critique of colonialism and West. Fanon states that dialectic is relevant and crucial to human relations among the colonies. Fanon critique focuses on dialectic based on violence and racism.

Hegel’s Self Consciousness: Master and Slave

Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) provides master slave dialectic that reflects his ideas on history course up to when he was writing his work. Hegel’s dialectic takes an analysis form of self-consciousness and its working. “This pure concept of recognition, that is, the pure concept of the doubling of self-consciousness in its unity, is itself now up for examination in terms of how its process appears for self-consciousness” (Hegel 185). Hegel describes way in which self can become conscious of itself by presence and recognition of itself by an-other. Hegel’s exposition reveals how the process of

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