
Masterpieces Always Come With Good Reasons And Fantastic

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Masterpieces always come with good reasons and fantastic story telling. On one hand, a good reason or a logic progress with facts makes a work more convincing; on the other hand, those fantacies and make-ups show a writer’s reflection on facts and reasons he or she received, and are extensions of those facts and reasons, rendering the work interesting and even more convincing. In three famous and classic works, On Liberty, Hard Times, and The Communist Manifesto, we can see how writers combine facts with fictions and compose excellent works.

I. On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
In his work On Liberty, Mill starts from historical facts, analysing facts using his reasons and gets his conclusions; then, changing his way he used to use, he …show more content…

He even chooses such a noble man, to show that we, who do not possess so much wisdom and virtue as that emperor, should be more careful so that we do not make this mistake.
Furthermore, Mill writes that “It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Chritian faith had been adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Marcus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine” (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.28). Here, Mill makes up a different outcome with the historical fact, that the noble emperor did not persecute Christianity but supported it. Undoubtly, Mill wants to demonstrate that Christianity could develop better under the support of Marcus Aurelius with his wisdom and virtue that nobody could reach. Again, Mill stresses his arguement here that we should be alert with the mistake that “deny a hearing to opinions because we, in our judgement, have condemned them” (On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, Page.25) so that we can make things better.
In conclusion, Mill, from two aspects, fact and fiction, stresses his arguement and makes his arguements more convincing and impressive to readers.

II. Hard Times by Charles Dickens
Hard Times is a novel, so this work can be regarded as a fiction; however, it is also a novel that reflects facts and satirizes facts. Though the story is fancy, the background really shows British social conditions at that time. Therefore, in his

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