
Materialism In American Culture Analysis

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Materialism is the act of considering tangible possessions to be more important than other values in a person’s life. Some believe that Americans are too materialists but others argue that there is a more significant meaning behind a purchase. In a Conversation about materialism in the American culture, Henry Thoreau, John Galbraith, Juliet Schor, and Wendell Berry defend the position that Americans are too materialistic while Phyllis Rose, Joan Smith, and Virginia Postrel argue for the opposing position. After reading each of the author’s articles, it can be concluded that there is some truth in both arguments, but alone none are completely true. Superficially, Americans are materialistic. This is due to three different reasons and being …show more content…

Our world has reached a period in which there is a constant cycle of new inventions and products being produced.Although that situation may not be bad for some aspects of life, it is a very important factor that potentially determines our materialistic behavior. According to John Galbraith, our society has been invaded by the “dependence effect”. He states that “the process by which wants are satisfied is als the process by which wants are created”. Because we have access to so many options of new technology and new goods and services, buying one single thing just is not enough anymore. A person may buy the newest smartphone available on the market, but in a couple month a newer, more advanced model has already come out. Furthermore, while he makes the purchase of the phone a smartwatch could catch his eye. Although the phone is fulfilling the need of calling or texting, the watch could fulfill the need to tell time. It should not be considered greedy if the person decides to purchase that “newer phone” in a couple of month or the smartwatch with the phone, it is their choice to buy the newer products that has new features that could ultimately make life a lot easier. However, that person’s choice of purchase initiates the process of the dependence effect once more. Since that void of needing a cellphone is out of the way, a new need or desire will surface in its

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