
Maternal ADHD Hypothesis

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This research surveys the correlation of maternal mothers with prominent Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) indicators demonstrate parenting insufficiencies, as well as complications in emotion regulation (ER), which may supplementary influence their capability to effectively parent.
This research topic was chosen because no empirical research has yet to examine the potential mediators that clarify the correlation concerning maternal ADHD symptoms and parenting.
Hypothesis/Research Question:
Mazursky-Horowitz describes their hypothesis to this topic as “Higher levels of maternal ADHD symptoms would predict: lower levels of positive parenting responses to adolescents’ expressions of negative emotions, higher levels …show more content…

The youth were 52% male, 43% were Caucasian, 41% African American, and 16% identified as Other. The original samples were recruited by media outreach, mailings, libraries and youth organizations within Washington DC, proficient in the English language, and the consent of parent/guardian. Families were asked into the laboratory of the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board for a baseline assessment after a telephone screening, for certain criteria was met. Assessment follow ups were held annually. Demographics, with each assessment parents/guardians completes a simple demographics form. Information included personal information such as gender, ethnicity/race, annual household income, and age.
The hypothesis was correct and in agreement with past research finding that “maternal ADHD symptoms were associated with greater difficulties with ER, and greater maternal difficulties with ER were associated with positive, harsh, and distress responses to adolescents’ expressions of negative emotions.” (2014, p.128).

This study is the first of its kind to investigate ER complications as one mechanism with maternal mothers presenting significate symptoms of ADHD and the harsh parenting responses to their adolescent children when they express negative

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